Covid self-certification November 2020: the form in Pdf. That’s when you need it – Chronicle


The self-certification model
The self-certification model

Rome, November 4, 2020 – With the measures taken in the last hours to limit the epidemic of Coronavirus in Italy, returns ‘on stage’ in self-certification form. With the new Dpcm it will be used to move during the curfew all 22 it clicks in all areas (yellow, orange, red). But it will not be the only time it will be offered. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte, at the press conference, specified that “self-certification is linked to prohibitions, if there is a travel ban it must be justified with self-certification. When there is a recommendation, self-certification should not be offered, but we hope that the recommendations will also be followed. “

The form is the same one that was prepared for the Dpcm of October 24 and already usable for the ordinances in force in the Regions where the curfew was established. Is a standard model – that all police patrols will have at their disposal – where citizens must indicate the reasons for the transfer. The verifications will be carried out at random and whoever does not demonstrate the reason indicated in the self-certification will be informed.

Conte press conference live

The editable self-certification form: download the PDF here.

Among the reasons that will allow displacements are the proven labor needs; health and other reasons permitted by current regulations or by decrees, ordinances and other measures that define the measures to prevent the spread of infection.
