The Istituto Superiore di Sanità responds to the request for generalized access presented by Wired. The answer is laconic and leaves no room for doubt: “The data on infections in schools is not in our possession.”
At the end of October, the website had submitted a request for access to the data via FOIA to both the Ministry of Education and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Minister Lucía Azzolina had repeatedly reiterated that the data had been handed over to the ISS.
The minister @AzzolinaLucia says the “real data” on infections in schools is in your hand @istsupsan
We asked him. This is the answer.
Mine for @connectionitalia #school #coronavirus @MIsocialTW @orfini @roxsasso @FusacchiA https://t.co/TM4uQKMikG– Riccardo Saporiti (@sapomnia) December 15, 2020
On December 9, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità sent this response, signed by the director of the Epidemiology department, Patrizio Pezzotti, in which it is noted that the data is not available. Faced with a new request for clarification from the editorial staff, the Institute reiterated that “The data that is the object of the access request is collected by the Ministry of Education and is not available to the Higher Institute of Health”, committing ourselves to forward our request to Miur.
The Deputy of the Lega, Rossano Sasso, spoke on the subject: “Another twist, still lack of transparency on the part of the Ministry. It seems that the ISS never had the contagion data in the schools. In doing so, Azzolina is generating more than a doubt about the right and sacrosanct wish for everyone to go back to school and attend. We need reliable and refutable data. We want schools to be able to reopen, but safely and with full knowledge of the facts. I would never want someone, to cover up the failure of their elections, to be willing to open at any cost. “
Ministerial sources consulted by School horizon They specify that the ISS has sent its position to Wired confirming that the Ministry of Education has always transmitted the data and that the researcher’s response referred to that the data is property of the Ministry therefore, they could not transmit them since they did not own the data that was requested, as Wired did, to the Ministry itself.