Covid School, teachers can touch students’ notebooks. Expert Says – School News


He had already explained that it is not necessary to disinfect books and notebooks. Now Antonella Viola, the immunologist from the University of Padua, returns to the anti-covid measures that will be adopted for the reopening of schools and explores some issues.

The masks don’t hurt

Directly from her Facebook page, the expert talks about the use of masks in the classroom: “The masks are painless, they can be safely worn during the time you are at school, as long as you change them every 4 hours to prevent microbes from accumulating“.

Remember that if the distance meter, students can lower the mask during the lesson. Either way is oruse is mandatory at other dynamic times within the school for students 6 years and older.

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Open the windows every time I change

Another point Antonella Viola focuses on is air exchange: “It is important to keep the windows open or change the air frequently (every hour change)“.

We have already talked about how crucial it is Ensure optimal air quality in the classroom both from a chemical-physical and microbiological point of view (absence of viruses). “And this goal can already be achieved with complete air changes at every hour change, but also by investing in controlled mechanical ventilation (VMC) technologies with incoming air filtration and indoor air purification, thanks to devices capable of eliminating viruses and particles down to 0.1 microns“Said Alessandro Miani, president of Sima.

Shared pens and markers are not allowed. But the teachers can touch the notebooks

Finally, the immunologist from the University of Padua explains: “we cannot share pens and markers, each student must use his, but this does not mean that the teacher cannot touch the homework or notebooks“.

For this reason, Dr. Viola recommends: “Clean hands! The risk of contagion from objects is low: if it were not like that, we could not exchange money, documents, go to the supermarket … No one has ever asked us to put money in bags or quarantine … Even in supermarkets and stores, while We are in the At first they used gloves, then it became clear that you only need to disinfect your hands to avoid problems. So you really don’t understand why things should be different at school. Common sense, mask and clean hands!
