COVID school, justification of absences and entry / exit of students after hours. CIRCULAR MODEL with indications


The school has started and, as of today, the safety regulations linked to the prevention measures ordered by the Government in response to the suggestions of the CTS, aimed at preventing the spread of Covid-19, also require new reasoning on the need to provide new provisions regarding the justification of absences and entries / exits after hours. Many schools, pending the revision of the General Regulations of the Institute, have been forced, and if they have not done so, it is good that they do so, to issue, by means of a circular or communication, provisions that adapt, in fact, the different normative to the situation. ongoing emergency.

Justification of absence

Parents or guardians of underage students or adult students are obliged to justify absences from lessons through the Web Booklet form included in the Electronic Record. All absences, including late arrivals and departures, must be noted by the teacher in the RE and are automatically calculated by the system.

Check-in and check-out after hours

Students who are late to school even by a few minutes compared to the start time of the lessons can be excused by the teachers through a specific request entered by the parents. However, it is good to pay attention to the amazing pool of income to the school. Tardy students must be admitted at the end of scheduled admissions. As a general rule, it would be good practice to implement it in all Italian schools, students cannot attend classes after the start of the fourth hour of class. To avoid frequent transits in common areas and frequent entry of parents and guardians, students should leave the Institute early only in exceptional and documented cases. The standard? No, good practices and respect for the health of all and the continuation of educational activities throughout the school year. Parents’ early dismissal requests would be good if they were featured on the web brochure Have Schools Activated This Procedure? As a good practice and always to contain this stressful coming and going of parents, it would be to send the request within the day before it refers. It would be convenient to grant authorization in the RE, so as not to manipulate paper with multiple hands.
In the event of an emergency, female and male students may leave early if a parent or guardian comes to the school to pick them up by making a phone appointment.

Health reasons

In the case of a request for late entry or early departure for reasons of analysis and medical examinations, it would be the case that the relative declaration of the health worker was delivered to the class coordinator on the first day. This would avoid imaginative requests and, more importantly, avoid, once again, excessive attendance on school grounds, during school hours, by parents and guardians, which in effect distracts ATA staff from the complicated work that they are required to do. wait. the school year has just begun. Each school can regulate, as it believes, the operation of the system for justifying the absences of its students. However, it is good and useful to adapt the regulations of the institutes with stricter rules. Every five entries / exits outside office hours, the justification request must be made in person, also by telephone communication to the secretary’s office, preferably within the first hour of class, by the parent / guardian. Absences due to arrivals and departures after hours must contribute to the number of hours of absence that must exclude the final vote.

Very few visitors

All this to reduce access to visitors (in the specific case parents and guardians), who, in any case, must comply with all the rules provided in the school regulations and / or in the specific internal discipline adopted by the director, having listened to the RSPP of the institute and the competent physician inspired by the following general criteria:

  • ordinary use of remote communications;
  • limitation of access to cases of effective administrative-managerial and operational need, possibly after reservation and relative scheduling;
  • regular registration of admitted visitors, with indication, for each of them, of their personal data (name, surname, date of birth, place of residence), their telephone numbers, as well as the date of access and length of stay;
  • differentiation of internal routes and points of entry and exit of the structure; • preparation of suitable horizontal signs on the necessary distances and on the routes to follow;
  • thorough cleaning and frequent and adequate ventilation of spaces;
  • Access to the facility through the accompaniment of a single parent or an adult delegated by the parents or whoever exercises parental authority, in compliance with the general rules for the prevention of contagion, including the use of a mask during the entire stay in the facility. inside the structure.


The circular model that we propose and that must be adapted to individual territorial realities, with attention to the regional laws that govern justifications, has already been tested by Professor Vincenzo Caico, director of the Institute of Higher Education “Michelangelo Buonarroti” in Monfalcone (GO ) who believes that this year, more than ever, we must focus on the efficiency and effectiveness of school organization as evidenced by the detailed and exhaustive circular, which we propose as a model to download and use.
