At today’s pace, the inauguration is dedicated to infections in schools.
According to the virus surveillance bulletin published on Wednesday morning by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, the data shows that as of November 7, in the range of 0-19 years, which also includes the school-age group, the cases are 102,419 with a growth of 1,073.10%, the highest absolute in the Italian population.
As of August 25, the numbers were just 9,544. In second place for infections is the range between 20-29 years, in which there are also many university students: there were 18,834 on August 25, as of November 7 there were 104,885 with an increase of 556.88% in just over two months . Less considerable increase in the other bands.
Second timeTherefore, the data is incontrovertible: the driver of the virus was the school population and everything happened after returning to school in mid-September.
The statistics highlighted by the newspaper, however, only refer to contagion data, on the correlation with the school in the presence of adequate scientific research.
As can be seen in the graph published on the website of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, in the range of 0-19 years, the cases are mostly asymptomatic.
Epidemic curve of COVID-19 cases reported in Italy by date of collection or diagnosis (green) and by date of onset of symptoms (blue). The epidemic curve is also emblematic with an increase in cases.
This is the number of COVID-19 cases reported in Italy by age group and case fatality (%) (data available for 979,861 cases).
The last graph shows the trend of cases by age group. As of mid-August, however, there is a further increase in cases in this range, while since late September there has been a considerable increase in cases in the age groups 0-18 and 19-50, many of which asymptomatic.
In Italy, there is an acceleration of the progressive worsening of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic which is reflected in a workload that is no longer sustainable in local health services. There are very critical elements related to the spread of the virus in our country. It is confirmed that a drastic reduction of physical interactions between people is necessary to alleviate pressure on health services.
Education Minister Lucía Azzolina spoke on the subject on Wednesday: “The data on infections in schools are from the ASL and reported to the Higher Institute of Health which publishes a general report once a week: the last time it reported that there are 3.5% outbreaks compared to those around from the country. We must also consider the risks derived from the closure of schools, I am very convinced that we run the risk of a disaster from the psychological point of view, from the formative, sociological, educational development of a child ”.