Rome, December 30, 2020 – A slight increase the transmissibility index Rt average calculated in cases Covid-19 symptoms In the period from December 8 to 21, 2020, it can be learned from the draft of the monitoring of the ISS-Ministry of Health: the average Rt index was equal to 0.93 (range 0.89 – 1.02) slightly increasing in the last three weeks.
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The Covid epidemic continues in Italy “tomb again due to the high impact on health services ”, emphasizes the report. Veneto, Liguria, Calabria have a point Rt greater than 1, so they are compatible with a type 2 scenario Basilicata, Lombardy and Puglia they exceed it in the average value. While Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Marche they touch it.
Veneto, Liguria and Calabria: measures after the holidays
Specifically for the Calabria, Liguria and Veneto regions, the project talks about “particular concern” and “We urge you to consider applying the planned measures, due to the levels of risk attributed, even at the end of these holidays ”.
The graphic
The graphic showing timely RT indicators for December 21-27 updated to 29.
Abruzzo: 0.65
Basilicata: 1.09
Calabria: 1.09
Campania: 0.78
ER: 0.98
Fvg: 0.96
Straight: 0.84
Liguria: 1.07
Lombardy: 1
Walk: 0.99
Molise: 0.89
Piedmont: 0.71
PA Bolzano: 0.76
PA Trento: 0.71
Apulia: 1
Sardinia: 0.78
Sicily: 0.93
Tuscany: 0.79
Umbria 0.8
Vda: 0.83
Veneto: 1.07.
First time: intensive therapies below the critical threshold
The monitoring of the ISS-Ministry of Health for the first time since the end of October observed a general decline the impact of the epidemic on health services, with occupancy rates for ICU beds and medical areas below the critical threshold. This should not make us forget that in any case “10 Regions / HAPPs still have an employment rate in intensive care and / or medical areas above the critical threshold”.
Risks of increased mobility in the period
The report identifies the causes of a “significant increase in the transmission of SARSCoV-2” increased “mobility and interpersonal interaction typical of sociability this season. “With the consequence of a” rapid increase in cases to levels potentially higher than those observed in November in a context in which the impact of the epidemic on workers, services and the population it is still significantly high. “
Stay home as long as possible
The Istituto Superiore di Sanità recommends continuing “to be drastic reduction of interactions physical contact between people “, avoiding contacts outside the home, and “stay home as much as possible”. The document also recommends respecting security measures, including quarantines of close contacts of verified cases and isolation of the cases themselves.
But despite the decrease in the incidence at the national level in the last 14 days (305.47 per 100,000 inhabitants, compared to the previous 329.53 per 100,000), in general incidence is still very high and the impact of the epidemic is still maintained in most of the country is observed in the draft. Which concludes noting that in most of the Regions / ASF there is a moderate or high risk of an uncontrolled and unmanageable epidemic, hence the confirmation of the need to “maintain the rigor of the measures during the holiday period.
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