Covid Rome, healthy girl but after a month she is positive again


The young woman has been fighting the Coronavirus since October but at the moment there are no certain elements to unambiguously affirm whether it is a new positivization, a relapse of the first disease or a real reinfection.

She still tested positive for Coronavirus (ALL LIVE UPDATES – MAPS AND GRAPHICS – LAZIO AND ROME EMERGENCY) after being cured.

It happened to a 25-year-old girl who fell ill with Covid-19 a month ago with severe symptoms, then recovered, but now she tests positive again on the molecular swab, with pain and a high fever.

The hypothesis

The young woman has been fighting the Coronavirus since October but at the moment there are no certain elements to affirm unequivocally if it is a new positivization, a relapse of the first disease or a real reinfection. The young woman was treated at home by the family doctor without further specialized investigations.

The girl’s tale

“I started to feel bad in mid-October,” the young woman tells ANSA, “but the first quick swab on October 13 was negative. As I still felt bad, I did a second molecular swab at the Fiumicino drive-in on October 20 and positive “. The first time the symptoms went from a very strong pain in the muscles, with a low-grade fever, to quite severe respiratory difficulties, although the patient was always followed at home by her ASL Roma 1 GP, who treated her. with antibiotics, cortisone, anti-inflammatories, lactoferrin and other supplements. On October 30, he underwent a new negative molecular smear at Sant’Andrea hospital. The second negative shock absorber arrived on November 13, at the drive-in theater in Santa Maria della Pietà. “Since November 13 – he explains – I was fine, I was just tired, out of breath, the doctor told me it was normal. A few days later I went back to the school where I work ”. Very well, in short, until the young woman’s father fell ill with Covid-19 a few days ago, apparently due to an outbreak in the workplace. “As a precaution,” adds the girl, who claims not to be immunosuppressed, in the family we all rub ourselves: I tested positive for the molecular, had a fever of 38.5 and now I have muscle pain again.
