For the amazing birthday party organized by a positive mother from Ladispoli, a grandmother died. His daughter attended the party, got infected, and also infected her elderly mother. One of the latest victims of the COVID-19 in Lazio. It is a thread of unconsciousness, in effect, of irresponsibility, tying a small party for children, mounted without taking into account one of the basic rules of the emergency (the one that says: if I have a fever, I stay at home) to a funeral. that perhaps, without that sloppy party, could have been avoided. “We had a victim related to the party with Ladispoli’s positive mother,” explains Simona Ursino, director of the Sisp (Public Health and Hygiene Service) of Asl Roma 4, the group of doctors who had to laboriously rebuild the chain of infections. originated in the party. The victim is the mother of a woman who attended the party.
Covid in Rome, private parties and communions continue. Doctors: “Dozens of new clusters”
Covid in Rome, a positive mother organizes two parties for her son: 60 in quarantine
Underestimated alarm
“It is a sobering episode. When we doctors say that private parties have been, and unfortunately continue to be, a problem for the spread of the virus, there are those who underestimate the alarm. And he continues to organize events ». Most of the infections that affect students, with the unpleasant sequel of tampons and closures, “are not related to the lessons, it all started from the outside,” explained the director general of the school’s regional office, Rocco Pinneri. Pier Luigi Bartoletti, Roman secretary of Fimmg, the federation of general practitioners, said that, despite the curfew, the holidays are unfortunately continuing, perhaps postponing the appointment in advance. In the last two weeks alone, Bartoletti said, “we have recorded dozens and dozens of infections linked to eighteen, snacks, school gatherings in the afternoon. They call us later, once the infection has occurred.
Sometimes the relaxation of precautions leads to doubtful cases. Like that of Ladispoli’s mother. Despite having symptoms of the COVID-19As she later told drive-ins, she didn’t want to give up on her 8-year-old son’s birthday party. In fact, two games. First one, then the other. Total: 60 guests, including classmates, a second grade, plus mothers and fathers in tow. The woman had a cough and even some fever lines, but by now the party was organized, she defended herself, so why cancel everything? In the queue of the hyssop, it was only later, after the celebrations concluded, with a not unpredictable result: positive. At that time, the ASL began tracking and isolated the families of the guests, although, in some cases, it was quite reluctant to observe the quarantine. A young doctor in charge of the calls was the target of insults. Other parents took it out on the positive mother: “I could tell if she had a fever.” After the skirmishes, the news of the mourning came. A death that perhaps would not have occurred if there had been a gesture of elemental caution.
Last update: October 28 at 07:17 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED