
He was in San Camillo hospital until he experienced the first symptoms: high fever and cough. Positive on Covid, he was introduced to Spallanzani but his conditions plummeted within a few hours. Colleagues at the institute confirmed that the bilateral pneumonia was in an advanced stage. Despite the treatment, the otorino, a 50-year-old Roman, died on Wednesday of complications from the Coronavirus. Where the doctor was infected has not yet been determined.
ALSO READ Covid, laboratories alarm: «We are only 50 centers analyzing swabs. Very few”
In any case, all the follow-up procedures were activated in the structure of the Gianicolense bypass, which had already been fighting for a week for the increase in patients. Another alarm therefore, which is triggered by doctors and nurses. After the 13 positive cluster in Umberto I’s emergency room, to which are added the 30 doctors from the other rooms, an emergency also for the neonatology department where five positive mothers are hospitalized for Covid. “Children are healthy and negative,” the health directorate later wrote in a note.
With infections on the rise, hospitals are now on the brink of collapse. The first to give in under the pressure were the emergency rooms. One after another, from Casilino, to Umberto I and Grassi, they recorded an overcrowding of Covid patients due to lack of beds. Meanwhile, the Asl Rm5 hospitals, from Tivoli to Zagarolo, have already suspended their chosen hospitalizations. That is, the agreed operations and ordinary hospitalizations. A measure that anticipates, in fact, Phase 7 of the pandemic envisaged in the regional document and that has sparked protests and controversies. The health direction does not confirm it, but the hypothesis is that they have suspended the procedures due to lack of beds. An emergency for all regional hospitals. “Right now we are only dealing with the most serious situations, such as cancer patients and patients with heart problems. The rest is postponed.
It is too risky for patients to come to the hospital if there are no emergencies “, they explain from Asl Rm3:” But the official suspension – they specify – must come from the region. These are delicate days and when the emergency returns we will resume the usual interventions. The same Asl Rm2, who recommended going to the Casilino emergency room “only for serious illnesses.” And with the number of Covid positives continuing to grow, the Lazio region has expanded the emergency network by increasing the number of beds “for confirmed Covid cases.” With “a maxi emergency plan” as stated in the document signed by Alessio D’Amato, regional councilor and coordinator of the crisis unit. As of today, 656 ordinary beds, 18 intensive therapy and 32 semi-intensive will be available. To activate the new units, it was also necessary to equip hospitals that were not included in the list in the first phase of the emergency, such as San Camillo. Where from this week there will be 8 semi-intensive care places and 78 ordinary ones. To be assigned to the sick, confirmed, Covid.
Covid, today’s bulletin October 17: 10,925 new infections and 47 deaths. Lombardy and Campania alarm. Intensive care +67
Covid Italia, today’s newsletter, October 17, 2020. There are 10,925 new cases of coronavirus in Italy. The deaths registered in the last 24 hours are 47. Of almost 28 thousand swabs, a real record, today in Lazio there are 994 positive cases (the figure takes into account 200 recoveries of notifications from Roma 2 Asl and Frosinone Asl), 12 deaths and 62 recovered.
Last update: 23:37