Covid-infested hospice in Fiano due to non-vax nurses has lost two elderly people. They were 87 and 95 years old. The prosecutor has opened a file, for now without hypothesis of crime. But it is very likely that in the next few hours the accusation will turn into murder. Asl 4, the same company that had crossed the doors of the residence two months ago, with syringes and bottles from Pfizer, has already launched an epidemiological investigation into the asylum 20 kilometers from Rome, to offer the vaccine to everyone . The health and social workers, en masse, had said no: no punctures. The dramatic account of that election comes now. And it is paid for by the most fragile, those over eighty years without guilt, who came here to feel cared for and protected. Betrayed by the virus. And not only.
Vaccinations, 3 doctors without vaccination in Rome. The president of the order: “Doubts about the criminal shield”
ASL has no doubts: Covid-19 was taken to the nursing home by an operator who had rejected the antidote. He discovered that it was positive after a few lines of fever, when it was too late: he had already had time to infect two colleagues, who were also convinced of no-vax, and from then on the disease spread from bed to bed. Result: of the 36 guests, 27 were infected. 15 of them had the vaccine, 12 did not. Among them, the 87-year-old lady who has just passed away. “He died in an ambulance,” says in a weak voice the owner of the facility, Roberto Agresti, who so vaccinated, uselessly busy, in recent weeks, to convince patients to accept the injection. They did not listen to it. “It is a very sad moment – sums up Agresti – the 87-year-old lady, before Covid, was fine”. The other 95-year-old guest, on the other hand, “was here like a terminal patient – says the hospice owner – so we know that he was one of those vaccinated, but his conditions were already very compromised, even before the virus. The others vaccinated elderly are all asymptomatic. “Now it is up to the Rieti Public Ministry to know the responsibilities of health professionals who oppose vaccination. Prosecutor Rocco Gustavo Maruotti has just opened a file, for now a” model 45 “, that is to say, without suspects and without hypothesis of a crime, but the investigation could soon take a more definitive turn, also on the basis of the considerations reached by ASL Roma 4 with the follow-up of the outbreak.
Another 94-year-old unvaccinated guest at the facility was rushed to San Pietro Fatebenefratelli Hospital last week. She reached the end of her life, according to the head of the Covid department, Simone Bianconi: “She was transported here in code red, she had pneumonia and very severe respiratory failure, with very low levels of oxygen in her blood. If we add age to this, unfortunately the chances of getting out are very low ». No-Vax operators risk their work. The manager of the nursing home had initially stated that he did not want to fire the nurses. Then he changed the line: “From now on, only those who have been vaccinated will work here.”