Modena, November 18, 2020 – Someone from the Region is reviewing, with the agenda in hand, all the events organized from September to the present: festivals, public dinners, soccer games and even private birthday parties in condominiums. If we exclude the schools – where the fewest infections have been recorded – then some ‘infecter’ should go looking for it bus or within the nursing homes. Everything is possible, but nobody can give a certain answer. The fact is that Modena for some days it has become a ‘case’ in Emilia romagna. The hope is not to read about those 718 new cases from last Sunday yet.
And if in the last hours the numbers have dropped, the proportions remain the same: yesterday in Modena 517 new positives in 2,219 registered infections throughout the region; On Monday they were 605 and in the rest of Emilia-Romagna they were 2,547. It is easy to calculate: “In the first wave we traveled 150 infections daily. Compared to last spring, the numbers are so high that I am surprised to see that the system, although with such difficulty, continues to hold. “
A luminaire of Modenese medicine says: Paolo Nichelli, for years director of the Department of Neurosciences at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. “I do not know if we will understand the reason for these numbers. In many parts of Italy the problem of this second wave did not arise and perhaps in the summer even in Modena we all relaxed a bit. I mean – continues Nichelli – to the unusual crowds and exaggerated in the center in recent weeks. And I feel that I can exclude that the opening of the school has played an important role. “
That is why there are those who persist in looking for one in every corner Explanation to these numbers. The regional councilors judged yesterday in the Health Policy Commission, during the audience with the councilor for health policies, Raffaele Donini and the head of the Collective Prevention and Public Health service of the Region, Giuseppe Diegoli.
“It is a situation that we are monitoring very carefully,” said Diegoli, announcing that he is bringing the ‘Modena case’ to the table. control room established in viale Aldo Moro to attend the health emergency. The data is objectively very high: at 500 and there are infections a day, the Ausl has managed to follow more than 8,000 Covid positives throughout the province (there were less than 6,000 a week ago) with 538 hospitalized patients, 62 of these in intensive care.
“In the province of Modena – explains the vice president of the Commission, Francesca Maletti, also from Modena – in recent weeks work activities have not been closed, this has caused greater interactivity and the arrival of many people from other territories, with the consequent increase in infections. So it is true, there were many people who did not keep a safe distance in the afternoon and on weekends and did not wear masks and that is why specific ordinances were made ”.
The mayor knows Gian Carlo Muzzarelli that for days has been sending signals to everyone, on all possible channels. “The provincial data are at values that triple those of spring. The health establishments endure thanks to the fact that the operators work up to 12 hours a day, but we cannot hide the concern about what is happening,” he tells us before the final recommendation. “It is important that everyone, absolutely everyone, assume conscious and responsible attitudes, using the masks correctly and respecting distances. We must stop the increase in infections.”
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