Close immediately. All the more so now that the Coronavirus variant exploded in Britain and accelerates the spread of the infection across Europe. And under these conditions “it is difficult to reopen” the school that he has been attending since January 7. So Walter Ricciardi, Councilor for the Ministry of Health, to “A Sheep Day”.
The arrival of the English variant “was predictable,” said the scientist. “Unfortunately, the British government gave a late warning and this is not pleasant.” added. Ricciardi for Christmas he had something else in mind: “I would have taken more lasting measures following the model of Germany and Austria because those that have been taken – he stressed – are not enough.”
In the radio broadcast, Minister Speranza’s advisor revealed his total alignment with the positions of the head of the dicastery, leader of the most rigorous current of the Conte government: “He would carry out an immediate confinement until mid-January.” Soon the accounts are made: “We reasoned by analogy: if before we had a smaller number of cases to lower them it took us two months, now with a higher number we have to use a similar period.”
Regarding prevention, the doctor agrees with the scientists: the English variant of Sars-Cov-2 “does not seem to compromise the protective capacity of vaccines and, even if these mutations are in nearby areas or even in the protein itself Spike “. , the ability of the vaccine to recognize the protein remains substantially unchanged. “