Walter Ricciardi asks for the emergency shutdown for Naples and Milan and runs the risk of opening a front with the Presidents of the Region. The consultant to the Minister of Health comments on the current serious situation of the coronavirus epidemic in Italy and returns to the need to apply even more restrictive measures. in particular for certain areas of the country.
Ricciardi calls for a new blockade for Milan and Naples: opinion
“In Milan and Naples one can take Covid by entering the bar, the restaurant, taking the bus. Being in close contact with a positive is very easy because the virus circulates a lot. In these areas the confinement is necessary, in other areas of the country it is not “ says the professor of hygiene at the Università della Cattolica.
One solution is the specific blockages that Ricciardi had already evoked in the last statements, often judging that certain measures implemented by the Regions were useless and late.
This time in particular, it indicates in Milan and Naples the places where the numbers would be more alarming and where it would be necessary to intervene more severely, because it explains “there are areas of the country where transmission is exponential and the latest restrictions adopted, which may be effective in the rest of the territory, are not sufficient in those areas stop the infection. “
According to Ricciardi in the two metropolises that we would meet “Thousands of asymptomatic subjects that you go home, where you don’t wear a mask, you kiss and hug ”. In this sense, it responds to the criticisms made by Matteo Renzi about the closure of cinemas and theaters: “If you are in Milan it is a place where you can also take it to the movies. In other cities the situation is not the same. In Milan and Naples, any activity that involves approaching people in closed spaces is unthinkable. “
Ricciardi calls for a new blockade for Milan and Naples: the point of view of Fontana and Sala
But Walter Ricciardi’s opinion clashes with the vision of the Lombard governor Attilio Fontana, who, although he is about to approve another regional ordinance with anti-contagion measures in line with the Dpcm, the same day he refuses to resort to a generalized closure of the territory: “I exclude that the conditions exist to anticipate hypotheses of this type, in fact, all our interventions go in the direction of avoid any type of confinement“.
The mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala agrees basically, but the mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, who maintains that there is still a little margin before making an election of this weight: “In the worst case, before deciding on this sense we still have 10, 15 days time. I just ran into a virologist who I trust a lot. We currently have 80 intubated patients in Milan and 201 in Lombardy. In April there were more than 1500. But the point is the average intensity of care that obstructs hospitals. The problem is the mass of admissions. But it is not something unsolvable and above all something that should lead us to a new confinement ”.
However, the head of the COVID-19 Coordination of the Lombardy first aid departments is not of the same opinion. Guido Bertolini, which instead goes beyond the theory of Professor Ricciardi: “At this point, with an exponential growth curve of infections, the only thing that can be done is to close everything, a blockade at the national level. The situation in emergency rooms is dramatic, not only in Lombardy, but throughout the country. “