PONTE DI PIAVE He had taken the COVID-19 already during the first wave, but had survived the disease unscathed. Not this time. It turned out again positive for coronavirus several months away, Elsa Tomasi Tronchi, 85 years old, historical member of the Antelao Observatory, had to surrender to the sneaky virus, which took his own life a few days after infection.
The woman was residing at the Ponte di Piave Gianni Marin retirement home, struggling with an outbreak that, within days last week, had killed 10 guests, six men and four women. “He had lived there for four years – says his sister-in-law -. I’d had the virus first during the first wave, but only a few lines of fever. Then he recovered normally. Instead, this time in a few days, unfortunately, the infection did not forgive ».

Elsa, along with her husband Luigi, was one of the founders of the Osservatorio Antelao cultural association. Originally from San Biagio, after her marriage she moved to Treviso: her husband worked in the town hall. Then the return to Cavriè where she had settled until she was transferred to a nursing home. “She and her husband had no children,” explains the family. They liked life in the country. Then, 8 years ago, she became a widow. “The spring pandemic phase had passed but now the recovery was fatal – says Antonio De Marco, president of the Antelao Observatory -. Elsa was one of the most trusted friends of the Antelao Observatory: for almost 50 years, from the Spring Concerts and Treviso en Fiore in Santa Caterina. Her husband Luigi Tronchi has also been named Honorary President for the long and active collaboration, which lasted for decades. »The funeral will be held on Friday morning in the parish church of Cavriè at 10 am.
Meanwhile, a task force is being considered to help the Guizzo Marseille nursing home in Volpago cope with the outbreak of maxi coronavirus that exploded inside. The Brand Local Health Authority has already made some nurses available. And now he is organizing a network between several service centers to transfer non-positive older people. “The elderly are already isolated, explains Francesco Benazzi, CEO of the health company, but due to infections, there is now a shortage of staff in the nursing home. So we decided to lighten the loads. Between Guizzo Marsella and the Salzani center, 94 infections emerged from 136 guests. The virus also affected a score of operators. Now the goal is to transfer the elderly who tested negative, about forty in total. At the top of the list of destinations are the structures of the Israel of Treviso. A dozen guests, specifically, would already be destined for the Ipab in the capital. It was the health company itself that requested availability. LIsraa, at least formally, is evaluating the application. “Let us evaluate whether it will be possible to welcome, they say, combining the duty of solidarity with the safety of our elders.” All reservations will be dissolved today. Except for surprises, the yes will come.
The other major outbreak broke out at the Umberto I retirement home in Montebelluna, where the positivity of 47 guests was found. Here the situation seems very different from that of the Guizzo Marsella service center. No transfers have been planned at the moment. To date, nursing homes in the Treviso area have a total of more than 300 elderly people positive for the coronavirus. A number that remains relatively stable due to the progressive extinction of other outbreaks. Like the one at the Mozzetti house in Vazzola. Here the infection of 84 people had been registered: 68 elderly of 96 and 16 operators. From mid-November until today, there have sadly been ten elderly deaths who have tested positive for Covid. Fortunately, the others gradually turned negative. At this moment there are 11 still positive elderly people out of the 80 present in the structure. Plus 2 positive turn hospitalized guests. “The situation is gradually returning to normal, President Andrea De Vido pulls the strings. I would like to express the appreciation of the entire board of directors to those who have been at the forefront in this period. Our thoughts now turn in particular to the families of the disappeared.
Gianandrea Rorato
Mauro favaro
Last updated: 14:43