Covid rapid buffer: the army also arrives in Modena – Chronicle


Modena, November 18, 2020 – Quick swabs, that is, with a quick result, in Modena: for students and al School staff, also carried out with medical and nursing staff from the armed forces (VIDEO). For a few days, at the military base on Minutara Street in Modena Est, used as a way station, there have also been ‘camouflaged’ personnel (PHOTO).


The Ausl, in fact, uses the collaboration of the armed forces to clean up the hundreds of citizens who, every day, must take the test. Among these there are also students and teachers, to whom rapid antigenic swabs are dedicated, that is, those that give the result in half an hour. In fact, the Usl company has bought three machines – found right on Minutara street – capable of process samples in thirty minutes– The result will be communicated via text message and electronic health record to families during the day.

Molecular mouse: results in less than an hour

In this way, public health will have the ‘photography’ of classes in near real time and you can decide in no time whether to quarantine students or not. The rapid test is currently gguaranteed to students of Modenese schools, but will soon be extended to institutions of the whole province. The way a patient undergoes a rapid antigen swab is the same as for the molecular swab.

“The use of rapid qualitative antigenic swabs has recently started as a screening tool in several areas, including homes for the elderly (patients and operators) – says the Ausl – allowing a result in about 15 minutes. The first regional offer was 41,000 kit, among others 11,200 for general practitioners. Also in the school population A rapid buffer point was activated in the Modena pass, with the aim of extending the service at the provincial level. In this case, the quick swabs (already performed, in the first three days of activity, more than 500 tests) are processed by a technology that allows obtaining the result in about 30 minutes, but is capable of managing a more tampons and track the result which is then sent via text message. Finally, quick swabs are also used in emergency rooms in the province ”.

