Almost 600 new positives in 24 hours. Increase in infection (+590) compared to 5,253 swabs performed: 234 were positive in the province of Bari, 30 in the province of Brindisi, 58 in the province of BAT, 176 in the province of Foggia, 19 in the province of Lecce, 65 in the province of Taranto, 1 resident outside the region, 7 province of unknown residence.
A death was also registered today, in the province of Taranto.
523,235 tests have been carried out since the emergency began. 5,926 are recovered patients. There are currently 6,828 positive cases.
The total of positive Covid cases in Puglia is 13,400, divided as follows:
5,595 in the province of Bari;
1,271 in the province of Bat;
985 in the province of Brindisi;
3,219 in the province of Foggia;
1,012 in the province of Lecce;
1,212 in the province of Taranto;
95 attributed to residents outside the region;
11 province of unknown residence.
On the Triggiano outbreak, the General Director of ASL Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce comments: «There are 90 positives registered in a privately managed Rssa di Triggiano. The operators of the Department of Prevention of ASL Bari and the nucleus of nurses of the Di Venere hospital intervened by subjecting all the guests and employees of the social care center for the elderly to a molecular swab. 71 of the 110 guests and 19 of the 85 employees tested positive, with 4 guests for whom hospitalization at the Covid center was immediately arranged.
The screening activity was completed yesterday afternoon, while today the classification from the clinical point of view is underway for all positives, who will undergo a chest X-ray and, where appropriate, infectious consultations and / or pneumological.
Given the high number of positives, the structure was remodeled by isolating the positives in wing A and transferring the negatives to wing B, which was previously sanitized. For negative subjects, an additional molecular swab verification is envisaged. ‘

On the outbreaks in Foggiano, on the other hand, the Dg ASL Foggia, Vito Piazzolla, intervenes: «These days there is an increase in positive cases in the province of Foggia. The latest criticality is linked to an outbreak identified in an institute that includes Rodi Garganico where, at the moment, 14 students and 4 teachers have tested positive. The Hygiene Service is conducting the epidemiological investigation, managing fiduciary isolation, and planning swabs for all students and school staff. In addition, family and inter-family infections remain high.
Given the appearance of critical problems, now widespread in the area, the ASL is promptly applying security protocols to contain the infection and monitor risk situations, both within the health, socio-health and care structures as well as in the family.
All this was discussed yesterday during a meeting with the prefect of Foggia. Parallel to the emergency management interventions, we continue to promote a strong awareness-raising action towards the most fragile structures (such as homes for the elderly and geriatrics), towards our operators and all citizens so that responsible and appropriate behaviors are adopted to the situation ”.
STOP SCHEDULED ADMISSIONS TO ANDRIA AND BARLETTA – In Puglia, the increase in Covid-19 infections begins to produce the first problems of lack of beds in hospitals, so much so that the ASL Bat (Barletta-Andria-Trani) has been forced to block scheduled hospitalizations , except for those that cannot be postponed and of an oncological nature.
The provision refers to the Andria and Barletta hospitals; The decision to suspend the suspension was made a few days after the transformation of Bisceglie Hospital into Covid Hospital: to date there are 29 patients hospitalized for infectious diseases, 10 patients present in the brief intensive observation rooms of the emergency room, 7 patients in care intensive patients, 4 were hospitalized in cardiology.
“To ensure the correct management of urgent cases, both Covid and non-Covid, we have checked the bed occupancy data and given the high number of patients present in the emergency rooms of our hospitals – explains Alessandro Delle Donne, director Asl Bt General: We have decided to suspend all ordinary and planned hospitalizations at Asl Bat. Of course, emergencies, oncological and non-delayed interventions will be guaranteed. All outpatient activities, both hospital and territorial, are guaranteed. Of course, this measure will be revoked immediately as soon as we see an improvement in the situation. The suspension refers only to hospitalizations for which the state of health is not compromised. “Critical situation also in Foggiano and Bari: yesterday the Bari Polyclinic urgently activated another 100 Covid beds.
