The Puglia region has decided to use retired doctors to compensate for the shortage of staff in the various hospitals.
Infections are increasing, more and more needed medici. Then the Department of Health of the Region Apulia decided to withdraw the doctors voluntarily retired. Next Monday, October 26, a notice will be published to compile a ranking that each ASL can draw from to face the coronavirus emergency. The director of the department, Vito Montanaro, confirmed it to Ansa.
Covid, Puglia remembers retired doctors, but not only
In addition, the Apulian healthcare companies will also be able to turn to unqualified young doctors who, as happened in March, will be able to stand next to the “no Covid” wards.
ASL Bari has already published a notice for young people medici and the other sanitation companies can also take advantage of the ranking.
Covid, the situation in Puglia: the problem is not only one of intensive care according to Lopalco
He spoke with SkyTg24 microphones Pier luigi lopalco, advisor to a health epidemiologist in the Puglia region: “At the moment, intensive care is not a problem. Now the problem is the availability of normal beds. The other problem is the tracking in the territory, in Puglia, for example, at the moment we are holding out, but if the number increases, the tracking should be relaxed because there are no men ”.
“Now – he added – there’s no point talking about what went wrong: If there are no men, we cannot train them in two months, it takes ten years to train a specialist. In Italy we have been short of staff for years and years ”.
Finally, at the national level, Lopalco’s prediction is that if “important measures are not taken immediately, the direction of infections will be like this in France.”
“In France – he concluded – it happened earlier because they moved late and because the resumption of indoor activities, such as schools and offices, after the summer holidays, started earlier. I hope that from now on we can observe a slowdown in infections after the first measures taken ”.
VIRGILIO NEWS | 10-24-2020 16:46