Rome, October 28, 2020 – The Governor of Puglia Michele Emiliano has suspended face-to-face teaching. Schools closed from October 30 to November 24 to try to stop the growth of infections COVID-19. The new provisions are contained in the order signed at night. “Today we reached a historical maximum, more than what happened in March and April, we have almost 800 new infected,” Emiliano told Sky TG24-. We had to make the very painful decision to suspend face-to-face teaching in all schools. From a careful examination of the epidemiological data we realized that the triggering of infections in Puglia was strictly related to the reopening of schools. “
In Puglia, schools will have to adopt “the integrated digital teaching – read the text of the ordinance – reserving only laboratories for face-to-face activities (when the respective regulations of the didactic cycle provide for it) and the attendance of students with special educational needs ”.
In addition, educational institutions “must communicate, every Monday of the week, to the Regional School Office and the Department of Health the number of students and the number of school personnel positive or in quarantine, as well as all the measures to suspend the teaching activity adopted due to the Covid emergency.
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