The number of new positives in Puglia even after the discovery of the maxi outbreak in an Rsa in Alberobello with more than 70 infected.
In the last 24, therefore, compared to 5,884 swabs performed, 325 were positive: 169 in the province of Bari, 13 in the province of Brindisi, 28 in the province of BAT, 55 in the province of Foggia, 11 in the province from Lecce, 37 in the Taranto province, 2 residents outside the region.
Unfortunately, 2 deaths were recorded: 1 in the province of Bari and 1 in the province of Foggia.
Since the beginning of the emergency, 467,815 tests have been carried out. 5317 are recovered patients. 4229 are currently positive cases.
The total of positive Covid cases in Puglia is 10,164, divided as follows:
4164 in the province of Bari;
942 in the province of Bat;
817 in the province of Brindisi;
2462 in the province of Foggia;
911 in the province of Lecce;
785 in the province of Taranto;
79 attributed to residents outside the region;
4 province of unknown residence.
“The high number of positives registered in the province of Bari -explains Antonio Sanguedolce, general director of Asl Ba-, in addition to taking into account the numerous close contacts of known cases already subjected to epidemiological surveillance, includes 71 cases detected in an asylum in seniors. “
“The monitoring and buffering activity rapidly implemented by the ASL Bari Prevention Department – added Sanguedolce – identified 59 positives among the guests and 12 among the operators. Taking into account the general epidemiological panorama, the director of the competent socio-sanitary district was entrusted to support the structure for health-related needs.
BAT, 6 STATIONS FOR PADS FOR STUDENT RETURN – ASL Bat is the first health company in Apulia that has reached an agreement with pediatricians to address problems related to the running of tampons before returning to school in case of illness of a student.
A highly debated topic, today a protocol has been defined to identify a “safe and fast way to smear children,” they say from the ASL. Current legislation requires a certificate issued by the pediatrician after 5 days of absence from school that excludes “communicable diseases”.
The agreement has identified 6 stations in the area dedicated to children where rapid antigenic tests will be carried out: by appointment of the pediatrician, the child will do a rapid swab in the closest place and at appropriate times to return to school with communication on the same day of the result. “We have been working on all school-related issues since the end of July – says Alessandro Delle Donne, general manager of Asl Bt – today we have reached an agreement that will allow to speed up the execution times of the tampons, so that the children return to school on time certain and families have immediate responses. We will be operational very quickly. “The definition of this important protocol with the ASL will facilitate our business and above all it will facilitate the management of problems related to family absences,” said Luigi Nigri, Bat’s pediatrician representative.
RSA ALBEROBELLO COMMISSIONED BY ASL BARI – The general direction of the ASL of Bari has decided to “commission” the Giovanni XXIII Foundation, the Alberobello nursing home, after the assessment of 71 people positive for Covid-19, of which 59 patients and 12 operators. “Although it is a private management structure – explains the ASL – it was considered necessary to urgently arrange, through the management of the socio-sanitary district 14 competent for the territory, support for the asylum to ensure the continuity of care for patients, also in consideration of the fact that all employees of the Foundation have been placed in fiduciary isolation. The ASL, therefore, has assumed the coordination of the activities of the general practitioners responsible for their hospitalized patients within the structure, who in turn will be able to activate the Special Continuity Units (USCA) present in the area. Doctors will also be supported by a group of ASL health personnel. “The hypothesis of equipping physicians with telemedicine devices to constantly control and monitor the health conditions of asylum guests and evaluate medical interventions is also being evaluated,” announces the ASL.