Covid, pediatricians and ISS: “126 thousand children under 19 infected, one case in ten”


“Most have manifested mild clinical forms, with a very low fatality rate. If infections increase, especially the fragile ones, they could face important problems ”, explained Alberto Villani, president of the IAPA. “A dramatic and unexpected event, this pandemic has shocked the entire planet to the point of representing a historic milestone between what life was like before Covid and what it will be after Covid,” he adds.

For this reason, “we have decided to dedicate a virtual national update and training event for pediatricians and for those who care for babies, children and adolescents to this important issue”. The first extraordinary fully digital congress of the IAPA will gather the contributions of the 17 affiliated scientific societies specialized in the different fields of pediatrics, of the 11 study groups of the Sip dedicated to specific topics and of the 19 regional sections that operate in the National territory.

“Everyone – Villani continues – will make a contribution, thus offering a complete picture of what Italian pediatrics has done and is doing in the course of a pandemic, from epidemiological aspects to the social and organizational implications of the developmental age. “. Among the topics, the effect of the Covid-19 emergency on fragile children, such as those with oncological pathologies, allergies, diabetes, Down syndrome, disabilities and rare diseases. Ample space will be given to the impact of the pandemic on poverty and inequalities, on vaccinations, on first aid activities, on lifestyles and on the psychological consequences of restrictions. The pandemic, concludes the IAPA, “has revealed a weakness in the health organization system” and the need, in view of this, “to understand how to reorganize pediatric care in the hospital and in the area.”
