Covid, paper bombs in the protest march in Rome


Riots and clashes at the Piazza del Popolo demonstration organized by Forza Nuova

There was tension and attention in the demonstration in Piazza del Popolo, in Rome, against the restrictive measures that arrive to stop the contagion of the coronavirus (LO SPECIAL). And a few minutes before midnight, fears of clashes materialized in the launching of bomb cards at the policemen who had closed the Corso route with armored vehicles (PHOTOS). The protesters also lit some fireworks and, at the time of the police intervention, they moved away towards Piazzale Flaminio. Then the situation returned to normal.


Forza Nuova: “We stayed even after midnight”

The protesters gathered in the late afternoon, a few dozen people to protest against the “dictatorship of health and curfew.” The Roman leader of Forza Nuova Giuliano Castellino was also in the square. The square is guarded by the police. “We are here and we will be there even after midnight – he said -. We cannot accept that a minute after midnight there is the virus and a minute before it is not.” And again: “Your Covid narrative is what is allowing everything to close – Castellino told reporters – today we have a prime minister who violates the law, because the law says it is forbidden to walk with your face covered.” After announcing that he wanted to disobey the midnight curfew, Castellino said “I am not a denier, Covid exists, it is an influence but you do not die from Covid.”

Meeting of the Order and Security Committee during the day

During the day a meeting was held by videoconference of the Provincial Committee for Public Order and Security, chaired by the prefect of Rome Matteo Piantedosi. Also in light of the clashes in Naples that began the night of October 23 and continued the next day.
