Bologna, February 22, 2021 – There is a risk of Red zone nell ‘Bolognese Apennines. In recent days, in fact, in the municipality of San Benedetto Val di Sambro there was a peak infections, especially in schools, in the fractions of Ripoli, Montefredente, Sant’Andrea me I want to pian, with some cases of English variant. The spread of the variant is terrifying. “We are ready, in contact with the mayors of places where there are cases of an epidemic that is increasing – he says flatly. Stefano bonaccini, president of the Emilia-Romagna Region -, to take new restrictive measures“.
Covid Italia and Emilia Romagna Newsletter of February 22
A decision to be made “in the next hours and days, in case these needs exist. As we have always done, we are prepared, in accordance with the local administrators and with the advice of the ASL and the experts. “Bonaccini confirms that” the mayor of San Benedetto Val di Sambro “, Alessandro santoni, “issued an order that closes schools, in addition to another series of activity limitationsAnd “carpet swabs will be done on all children and youth.”
Decisions made by the mayor last night, after a long meeting with the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Prefecture and the ASL of Bologna. “THE the data of our municipality are not good – writes the mayor on Facebook -. Important records growth rate of infections that are expanding a little to all the hamlets of the territory, with confirmation of some cases of positivity of the English variant (This is the reason for such rapid spread). “The mayor points out that the infection figures would have “The regional order could already be justified for the establishment of `rossa area´But the Municipality “asked for the possibility of not moving forward in that sense”, committing itself to some countermeasures.
“This week – he explains – we will send all the residents of our municipality in a molecular swab campaign, the result of which will determine the fate of the next few weeks. In this sense, two scenarios will be envisioned: the first, which we all hope, is that the situation stops and so we can continue in line with what is happening in the other municipalities; the second, that the situation continues to grow and then the passage in the red zone will be inevitable which unfortunately will happen even if the participation in the swabs is not adequate. “
Marche orange zone: the rules for twenty municipalities
But there is other supervised area special, that of the Municipalities of the Union of Lower Romagna, Where did it happen an abnormal increase in cases and, in addition, in children and under 19 years. The three mayors of the municipalities of Bagnara di Romagna, Conselice me Massa Lombarda, Paola Pula, Daniele Bassi and Riccardo Francone. “The situation – they explain -, although it does not show a particular seriousness from the clinical point of view, induces some concern for himgreater diffusion of the virus in the area that, in recent weeks, has mainly affected young people. For this, we will accompany the national measures some local actions, to try to contain the spread of the virus “.
In the three municipalities, in the last three weeks, “there has been a significant increase in the number of positive Covid-19 cases, a reflection of the increase in cases registered in the neighboring area of Imola. The incidence of positive cases is at levels higher than the provincial average. In the three municipalities, the increase in cases is linked to various family outbreaks, identified through contact tracing activity and most of the cases are asymptomatic “. The detail that worries – point out the three municipalities – is that”the age group under 19 years is significantly affected, that is, school-age children and youth, while those over 65 are less affected and this explains that, fortunately, there has not been a proportional increase in hospital admissions in the same period ”.
In Conselice 51 cases have been registered in the last week, for an incidence of 52.46 cases per 10,000 inhabitants; in Massa Lombarda 43 new positives, equivalent to an incidence of 40.84 cases per 10 thousand inhabitants; In Bagnara di Romagna a peak was observed in the week of February 8 to 14, in which 21 cases were identified, with an incidence of more than 7 cases per 10 thousand inhabitants, but the number decreased to more physiological values in the last week .
The three mayors appeal to their citizens: “We renew the recommendations to limit the outings to what is strictly necessary, in particular for the most fragile, elderly and with chronic diseases; it is important to avoid family reunions which, as we have seen in epidemiological investigations, in some cases have determined the rapid spread of the virus even among relatives who do not live together ”.
“We are implementing more controls by the Local Police on compliance with preventive measures in public spaces and isolation of people in quarantine – they warn – and we also invite students and their families to take the opportunity of the quick swab at the pharmacy, for a better follow-up of the situation “.
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