Covid outbreak inside the hospital, the mayor: “Emergency situation”


There is a Covid “outbreak” inside the Angioloni hospital in San Piero in Bagno. The mayor of Bagno di Romagna, Marco Baccini, through Facebook, provided timely information. “The situation of Covid in our Municipality was evolving positively, with a progressive reduction of positive cases and people in isolation, but a criticality arose within our Angioloni Hospital, where several cases of positivity were registered among patients and health personnel”.

“Within the Long Term and Acute Ward, 16 cases of positivity were registered – Baccini goes into detail – 5 cases with more delicate clinical situations were immediately transferred to Cesena, while 11 positive patients remain in the Hospital. In addition to these cases, other positive cases are also emerging among health personnel, who in these hours have been subjected to a swab, the results of which will be available at night. Waiting to have a complete picture of the situation, the Ausl is sending a team to separate the departments, with the creation of a Covid department and differentiate the health personnel involved in the management of the Covid department and the rest of the “clean” department .

The mayor emphasizes: “It is an emergency situation, so the Ausl and the staff of our hospital are fully committed to” buffering “and managing. The patients’ relatives will be warned about the health status of their relatives and how to behave In this regard, therefore, we ask that you wait for direct communications. “

The situation of the municipality, net of the hospital case, sees 17 positives at present.
