
New record for coronavirus infections in Italy. According to data from yesterday’s bulletin issued by the Ministry of Health, in the last 24 hours there have been 31,084 new cases of Covid 19 in Italy, which marks a new record, with more than 215,000 swabs made and 199 deaths. The number of hospital admissions and intensive care is increasing. The regions with the most positive developments at present are Lombardy, Campania, Veneto and Tuscany. The situation:
Lombardy: +8960
Piedmont: +2,719
Emilia-Romagna: +1,763
Veneto: +3,012
Campania: +3,186
Lazio: +2,246
Tuscany: +2,765
Liguria: +999
Sicily: +984
Apulia: +791
Walk: +524
Friuli Venezia Giulia: +505
Abruzzo: +428
Sardinia: +298
PA Trento: +222
Umbria: +729
PA Bolzano: +350
Calabria: +239
Aosta Valley: +155
Basilicata: +91
Molise: +115
Eleven regions classified as having a high risk of uncontrolled transmission of Covid-19 and four (Calabria, Emilia Romagna, Lombardy, Piedmont) plus the province of Bolzano are in scenario 4. This is the photograph taken by the weekly monitoring of the ISS-Ministry of health. The Higher Institute of Health has once again invited the Regions to carry out a rapid risk analysis, also at the subregional level, and to consider a “timely increase in mitigation measures in the most affected areas depending on the level of risk.” .
I coronavirus cases worldwide exceeded 45 million, an increase of nearly a million cases in two days, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. The United States continues to be the most affected country with a total of 8,945,891 cases and 228,668 deaths, followed by India, with 8,088,851 cases and 121,090 deaths, and Brazil in terms of the number of infections, second in terms of deaths (more than 158 thousand). Among the countries that have already exceeded one million infections are France (1.3 million), Spain (1.1), Argentina (1.1). By number of deaths, Mexico is the fourth most affected country with 90,773, followed by the United Kingdom with 46,045; Italy, with 38,122; France with 36,058 and Spain with 35,639
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