Covid, order of doctors: “The blockade is inevitable if Dpcm does not work”


The doctors order explains that the new limitations to curb the coronavirus may not be enough. Another total block cannot be ruled out

The new Dpcm, signed by Conte on October 24, 2020, would be the last letter from the government (and it is not certain that it will work) before a possible total lock as the tax last March: the president of the National Federation of Physician’s orders (Fnomceo) Filippo Anelli. “The dpcm measures illustrated today by Prime Minister Conte represent the government’s latest attempt in the face of an inevitable total blockade, if they don’t work,” Anelli said.

That of the government, he points out, “is a great bet to keep us united production and health protection, But if the indicators worsen in 15 days, I think it is the government’s responsibility to take even more drastic measures with a total blockade.

In other words, Anelli continues, the measures adopted “may not be sufficient and, therefore, we could find ourselves faced with the need for a generalized closure. This is if the contagion curve does not descend in a way that allows the National Health Service to face this second epidemic wave of Covid-19 with some tranquility ”.

The measures taken today, he points out, “severely limit the free citizen activities and free time, but the work front has been preserved. However, the indicators of the epidemic are currently unfavorable and this leads us to fear that these measures may be insufficient ”.

Anelli concludes by thanking Conte for the words he addressed to the doctors and the National Health Service: “The recognition of the availability of doctors at this time of emergency is very important.”

Anaao-Assomed Hospital Doctors Union: “The situation at the hospital is very serious”

The situation in hospitals “is very serious and absolutely critical, with the emergency room and wards now jammed and 118 flooded with calls: with this rate of infections for the second week of November, intensive care will be saturated, while places are already in great suffering. ” in ordinary and sub-intensive Covid departments. “He declares it to Ansa Carlo Palermo, secretary of the largest of the hospital’s physician unions, Anaao-Assomed.

The new dpcm, he says, is “a balance between economic and health needs, but it may not be enough. “What is outlined through the measures of the new dpcm, says Palermo,” is almost a blockade in fact, but if there were no concrete results in terms of reduction of infections, then a total blockade it will be inevitable. “

In fact, it is “evident that the pressure on hospitals is becoming unbearable, since – Palermo always points out – the possibility of containing the epidemic through local services has practically disappeared”.

This is because “tampons are not enough,Home care it is almost absent with the Usca medical units for home treatments that have organic problems, and with the monitoring system now impossible given the very high number of infections ”.

In this context, he concludes, “the only garrison to which the citizens are heading en masse are precisely the hospitals, but which are also besieged by mildly symptomatic patients that they would not need hospital or citizen treatment requiring tampons “

Massimo Andreoni: “Dpcm’s measures will stop the coronavirus, but they will not stop it”

Today’s figures for Covid-19 infections “show that the epidemic is now out of control and the data on new cases and those related to new hospitalizations in ordinary wards and intensive care are especially worrying.” So Ansa Massimo Andreoni, Scientific Director of the Italian Society for Infectious and Tropical Diseases (Simit) and Senior Lecturer in Infectious Diseases at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, commenting on today’s data from the Ministry of Health bulletin.

The numbers “keep a Growth trend And it worries them – Andreon added – also because it has not yet reached the top ”. In this context, “the measures adopted will probably be able to stop the epidemic in the coming weeks but unfortunately they will not be able to stop it.”

Therefore, “it will be necessary to evaluate the real result that these measures will bring, because if the numbers continue to increase, the risk of unsustainable critical problems for hospitals becomes more and more concrete.”

Today, Andreoni observed, “for epidemiological purposes for a containment of the pandemic Even more drastic measures would be desirable, but the choice is political. However, “letting the epidemic run too fast – he concluded – means risking the collapse of hospitals.”

VIRGILIO NEWS | 10-25-2020 16:54

Dpcm Covid of October 24: all new measures

Photo source: ANSA

Dpcm Covid of October 24: all new measures
