
Florence, November 9, 2020 – Also the Tuscany walk into orange band. This is confirmed by the mayor of Florence, Darius Nardella, speaking at City Hall: “I just spoke with the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, who officially told me that the Tuscany (together with Liguria, Umbria, Abruzzo and Basilicata, ed.) has entered the orange zone, since the levels that foresee the transition to this second band have been reached “.
The minister continues, “before calling me, he listened to the president of the Region, GianiAnd I think the new restrictive regime will start on Wednesday. “
Now, he continues, “we will all be busy preparing for this new phase, which I think is fair to approach with the greatest commitment, the utmost seriousness.” Also because “it was not ruled out that the region went from the yellow to the orange band, given the latest data from our municipality and our metropolitan area.” The system of increasing colors and restrictions desired by the government, he reiterates, “is not a race or a qualifying. It is simply the testimony of a situation that unfortunately shows that the curve has not yet been locked. Such a measure must be accepted with the utmost commitment and the utmost seriousness because if we are good we will be able to return to the previous regime ”, Nardella concludes.
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