The trend of infections predicted the worsening. Last night the certainty, put in black and white by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza by ordinance. Starting Monday, March 8, Campania turns red while the Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto regions go through the orange zone. Only the provinces of Emilia, by decision of the Emilia Romagna region, will enter the red zone. The decision was made on the basis of data and indications from the control room, but as far as Campania is concerned, it was Governor Vincenzo De Luca himself who requested it. Too much pressure on hospitals, deficient controls in big cities “with mayors who wanted night openings” (with indirect reference to Luigi of Magistris, ed) and few doses of vaccine compared to the resident population: the Palazzo S. Lucia reasons that inevitably led to the color change. As usual, De Luca assumed the role of president of the government and of the opposition at the same time. On direct Facebook, he updated citizens on the initiatives implemented, but he also attacked the Draghi government again for some elections considered discriminatory towards Campania.
READ ALSO Campania red zone: this is how the epidemic spreads between school, nightlife and variants
Arcuri no longer exists as an emergency commissioner, so he urged General Figliuolo in the meeting with the Regions to remedy the “inequality in the distribution of vaccines.” If doses came based on population, few arrived. If the criterion adopted was the level of contagion, then the abacus still needs to be checked in the next few hours. To date, 534,000 doses of vaccine have been delivered to Campania – explained De Luca – 559,000 to Emilia, with 1.3 million fewer inhabitants than Campania; Lazio has the same population as Campania and almost 100,000 doses more than Campania, 630,000; Veneto 543 thousand, 10 thousand more with 900 thousand fewer inhabitants; Lombardy 1 million 77 thousand doses, more than double that of Campania with 40% more population. The former mayor of Salerno, no longer able to point to the general who has replaced the Invitalia number a few days ago, has set a calendar to rebalance the “dose”. “For the month of April.” The horizon seems to be that of the Easter holidays that fall on April 4 of this year.
Meanwhile, the vaccination of the school staff continues – from the thousands of travelers who remain in limbo between the region of residence and the one they serve – and here too De Luca wanted to put it at the level of the numbers race. This time in positive to self-praise. “In Lombardy – he added – they begin to vaccinate the school staff on the 8th, we will finish on the 10th of this month.” Since yesterday, workers from the university staff, the armed forces, the municipal police and penitentiaries have been registering on the regional platform. If, on the one hand, it demands more vaccines from the central state, on the other, De Luca has moved for about twenty days through the Soresa shopping center to independently buy doses of the Russian Sputnik vaccine: the contract is being prepared , what happens. Relative in millions of doses for an estimated cost of $ 10 per serum, in view of authorization from EMA, the European Medicines Agency. Looking even further afield, the president of the Campania board also hypothesized the production of the vaccine at the site. “There are drug-producing companies that can avail themselves of the support of the Region for the necessary technologies, especially bioreactors.”
With the red zone, schools are closed, but they are already closed since March 1. As justification “the aggressiveness of the virus on young people.” To help young people who are at risk of being victims of the digital divide, the Region has activated a voucher plan for the provision of a discount, of up to 500 euros, in the subscription fee to internet connectivity services for those who have an annual ISEE of less than 20. thousand euros. The school world, with the new closure, is divided between for and against. De Luca considered it inevitable, but expected a return to the banks with continuity as he did last year when he asked the regional teams to vote in July and not in September. Therefore, he harshly attacked the government for the postponement of the administrative offices on the probable date of October 3. However, the impossibility of conducting the electoral campaign safely was one of the reasons given by Mattarella for not dissolving Parliament early. “Moving the elections creates damage to the schools, a thing of unique gravity, but nobody appeals to the TAR about this,” he thundered.
Last update: March 6 at 00:03 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED