Quick swabs can be made at the pharmacy. This is what the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, said during the meeting with the Regions, announcing, according to what was learned, the beginning of an experimentation phase: “Serological tests are already being carried out in pharmacies in some regions, let’s try to do an experiment as is happening in Trento to carry out antigenic products also in pharmacies.” Speranza then agreed with the Regions that asked to simplify the tracking procedures – “we have already reduced the quarantine to 10 days and eliminated the second buffer, we are ready to find new specific areas of intervention” – and reiterated that an agreement is being worked on with the general practitioners so that they are the ones to carry out the quick swabs bought by the emergency commissioner Domenico Arcuri.
A contingent of two thousand operators to promote monitoring activities. This was reportedly announced by the Minister of Regional Affairs. Francesco Boccia during the meeting with the Regions. “With a civil protection order – said the minister – we are creating a contingent to strengthen internal health networks local health authorities and strengthen tracking operations. “The model is the same that in March took volunteer doctors and nurses to the most difficult hospitals, and social health workers in prisons and Rsa. The 2,000 operators will be identified with a civil summons : 1,500 will be used to carry out swabs, tests and tracing, while another 500 will work on requesting information and on the procedures to follow.
The objective, explained Boccia during the meeting, is to create a contingent of people “who do not come from public or private hospitals, because we cannot ask anyone to deprive themselves of their resources at this time.” That is why we address “self-employed or those who do not have a permanent job, self-employed who have characteristics that we identify together with the Regions and will be able to work until the end of the state of health emergency.” Operators will be available to individual local health authorities and requests will be made directly to the region of residence.