Covid, on De Luca’s management there is a Spadafora-Pd clash


On the management of the Covid emergency in Campania, the rupture between the pentastellato Minister of Sports, Vincenzo Spadafora, and the government allies of the Democratic Party is consumed. “The De Luca system has failed, it seems clear to me. I am very concerned,” the minister attacks “L’aria che tira su la7”. And he adds: I would invite De Luca to take more care of the health situation in his region, for which he has not done much since the summer. It was easy to advertise by shutting down everything, but now the health system is under pressure, as is the transportation system. “

The secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, responds in a few words: “Spadafora thinks about sports and does not give report cards to the presidents of the region. Do not get lost in stupid and provocative polemics.”

De Luca’s deputy, Fulvio Bonavitacola, also responds: “We read vulgar and offensive statements from a certain Spadafora, Minister of Sports, who offended all the health personnel of Campania and showed otherwise a total ignorance. Given – adds Bonavitacola – that a month ago, not a century ago, the citizens of Campania expressed their opinion both about the regional government, as well as about Spadafora and associates, since whoever approves private protocols in contrast to the state health regulations must resign as Minister of Sport, it seems appropriate, in short, to invite you to a public debate on the topics you mentioned: health and transport, to publicly demonstrate to what level of asinism a member of this government can reach. We hope – concludes the vice president of the Campania council – give us an appointment shortly. “

And the leader of the Lega Matteo also intervenes in the “management of De Luca” Salvini in an interview with Radio CrC Targato Italia: “A new blockade in Naples and in other cities? If necessary, take the necessary measures for the health of citizens, but virologists on television are enough. There are too many virologists on television . They have to talk less, and on the basis of data. We don’t need anyone to terrorize people. If there is reliable scientific data, go ahead, but only terrorize. ”
