Still a record of Coronavirus infections in Italy: official data issued by the Ministry of Health in the last 24 hours indicates 16.079 new cases, almost a thousand more than yesterday. It is worrying that there are about 7,500 fewer tampons (170,392 against 177,848) and that the number of victims is increasing: 136 in one day, while yesterday they were 127, for a total that has reached 36,968.
too in sicily the number of Covid positives jumps up, reaching almost 800: in a few days they have almost doubled. Only in Palermo and its province there are 351 new positives, the global figure on the island is 796 out of 7,732 swabs, more than 10% with an increase in intensive care hospitalizations (89).
Distance learning is widespread
At the school level, the regions are imposing, with urgent ordinances, distance education, aimed at at least 50% of students: today Apulia has been added.
A circumstance that runs the risk of the Dpcm being approved last Sunday and for the schools it has already passed, a few days later, with effect from October 21.
To understand whether it is possible to avoid too much inhomogeneity in the adoption of Dad, a new meeting between the government and the Regions should be held on Friday, October 23.
Boccia wants a shared model
Soon, the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia should summon it.
“Well, the connection with Health – said the minister during today’s meeting – some ordinances, on school and transport, can be a shared model, for example in Dad, as in the case of Lazio, Piedmont and Basilicata” .
Azzolina: two missives
In the meantime, the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina he decided to write to some governors: first he did it with Attilio Fontana, head of the Lombardy Region; then it was the turn of the Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, who a week ago ordered the closure of all schools (except to retrace his steps with younger and disabled students).
The latest Dpcm, the minister wrote, provides for “the adoption of broad forms of organizational flexibility” for secondary schools “including afternoon shifts and modulation of entry times no earlier than 9 am”; while with regard to kindergarten and the first cycle of education, “I hope that it will be possible to quickly allow the resumption of development in the presence of teaching activity”, adapting the provisions already issued to the opinion of the Dpcm for secondary schools ” .
For Azzolina “it is essential to continue, together, in holding the regional and local coordination meetings provided for in the planning document for school, educational and training activities, the so-called School Plan. This will make it possible to identify the most appropriate actions to carry out, in accordance with the provisions of the Dpcm ”.
“We must guarantee the necessary safeguards, I think we will agree – continues the minister – to guarantee the right to study for students with disabilities, specific learning disabilities and other special educational needs.”
Bonaccini: we live in a real world
Responding to the owner of the MI was the President of Emilia-Romagna and of the Conference of Regions, Stefano Bonaccini: “We all fight for going back to school in presence, even if someone proposed coeducation” permanently, said ‘Today is another day “on Rai1,” I am in favor of school in presence but we live in the real world , not ideal “.
Bonaccini added: “the region’s presidents have been empowered since last February to make more restrictive decisions than the Dpcm, the Government itself anticipates,” “we have an increase in infections, we must look for the best possible solutions.”
Limonta: Dad is a mistake
The choice of dad, however, does not seem to please the municipalities. Following the dissent expressed by the mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala, the rejection of Paolo Limonta, councilor for school construction at the Milan City Council and a teacher in a primary school in the city.
“Choosing to have high school boys and girls stay home from Monday is a deeply wrong decision,” he wrote on Facebook.
Papá por Limonta “offends” the children “and everyone who worked long before September 14 to organize their safe return to school. Distance education cannot replace school in the presence and the damage we are doing to our children will be difficult to recover ”.
Limonta says he received a message from a former student saying “It’s not fair!”
Lombardi: unequipped schools
Also there parent company M5S to the Lazio region Roberta Lombardi says she is perplexed to teach from home again.
“The curfew in Lazio? If you reach these limitations it is not on a whim but because you have seen night activities, such as those related to nightlife. I am particularly concerned about distance education, because the schools are not adequately equipped. At school, the contagion rates are very low, let’s think rather about improving public transport ”, said the grillina to Rai Radio1, announcer of Un Giorno da Pecora.