Covid, no smart job for the quarantined asymptomatic


Thousands of people in our country are “asymptomatic”, which means that they can live with the virus without health problems. But despite their good physical condition, these subjects cannot work in any way, not even from home as reported in the Cura Italia and Relaunch decrees, later converted into laws.

It is written in black and white in the Cura Italia and Relaunch decrees, later converted into laws: even those who do not show symptoms of coronavirus infection (LIVEBLOG – SPECIAL) cannot work in any way, not even in smartworking. In recent days, with the resurgence of infections and the growing number of people who do not present symptoms of contagion, a question has arisen about the solutions proposed to continue advancing with the work activities of each one. However, if people test positive for coronavirus and are asymptomatic, they still will not have to carry out any type of action related to their profession. This is established by the norms contained in the laws of Cura Italia and in the Decree of Relaunching, as well as a dpcm in early August and a message that the INPS itself disseminated on its official channels. Covid-19 positive workers who perform manual activities in the company obviously cannot enter its structure and consequently cannot offer their service.

Asymptomatic on the rise


Coronavirus vaccine, the stages until its distribution. PHOTO

Workers who could perform services even remotely have wondered whether, in the event of an asymptomatic infection and in good physical shape, they can still continue to work remotely. Even post-vacation isolation is equated with a jobless quarantine. According to the Higher Institute of Health, in the last 30 days there have been 21,724 cases of which around 75% (16,300) corresponded to people of working age. Of these, more than 65% were asymptomatic, so we are talking about more than 10 thousand people potentially affected by the problem. That could become much more if we went from 100 to 300 thousand daily tampons as proposed Professor Andrea Crisanti.
