Covid Newsletter Today: Coronavirus Data Nov 23. Contagions Italy and Emilia Romagna


Bologna, November 23, 2020 – Unfortunately, the relationship between new coronavirus positives and processed swabs remains unchanged. Unfortunately, because since yesterday Sunday he took a dangerous leap forward and stayed there: 20.3%. I’m on it 2,347 new infections and 11,500 pads. the victims, which go from the 38 found in yesterday’s bulletin to 3. 4 from today. L ‘middle age of patients appear at 46.1 years (here our analysis of the disease by age group). Important data on the occupancy rate of beds in the intensive therapy It says we’ve reached 248, one less than yesterday. On the other hand, the number of hospitalizations in covid wards is increasing: +72 LOS active cases they are 2,109 more than yesterday and reach 69,380. The new ones healed I am 204.

Analyzing infections by province, Modena back to the top with 480 new cases, then followed Bologna with 350 and Reggio Emilia with 300,

Coronavirus Italy, today’s newsletter. Covid infections of November 23

How the cases were discovered

Of the 2,347 new cases, 1,160 are asymptomatic: 501 have been identified thanks to the activity of contact tracking84 through tests by risk categories introduced by the Region, 25 with serological examinations, 33 through pre-hospital tests. The epidemiological investigation is still ongoing for 517 cases.

I killed covid

Of the 34 new deaths, the majority occur in the province of Modena which for days has been the one that has registered the highest number of infections in the region: there are 13 in the province (6 men of 66, 71,73,77,82 and 88 years; 7 women of 65 years respectively, two of 82 and the remaining 83, 84, 93 and 102 years). Then continue Reggio emilia with 6 victims (5 men of 81, 82, 85, 87 and 91; a woman of 79), 6 to Piacenza (two men of 76 years, 1 of 77 and 1 of 84; two women of 79 and 89 respectively), 4 years Ravenna (including two men aged 82 and 83; two women aged 58 and 92), 2 years Bologna (a 91-year-old man and a 95-year-old woman in Imola), 2 years ForlìCesena (a man of 85 and a woman of 89, both in Cesena), 1st Ferrara (an 88-year-old man). There were no deaths in the provinces of Parma me Rimini.

Intensive care

248 covid patients need support for vital functions and therefore were hospitalized in intensive care: 13 years Piacenza (-1 compared to yesterday), 13 a Parma (-1 compared to yesterday), 30 a Reggio emilia (+1 compared to yesterday), 64 to Modena (number of hospitalizations unchanged from yesterday), 58 to Bologna (-2), 4 a Imola (no change), 19 a Ferrara (-1), 15 a Ravenna (+3), 6 to Forlì (no change), 1 year Cesena (no change) and 25 a Rimini (unchanged).

Symptomatic and asymptomatic by province

This is how the 2,347 new infections detected today in the region are distributed: 155 to Piacenza (of which 42 symptomatic), 204 to Parma (of which 129 symptomatic), 300 to Reggio emilia (of which 236 symptomatic), 480 to Modena (of which 231 symptomatic), 350 to Bologna (of which 155 symptomatic), 121 cases a Imola (of which 58 symptomatic), 105 to Ferrara (of which 23 symptomatic), 205 to Ravenna (of which 94 symptomatic), 75 to Forlì (of which 50 symptomatic), 80 to Cesena (of which 58 symptomatic) and 272 a Rimini (of which 111 symptomatic).

Emilia Romagna towards the yellow zone?

But, while the second wave is still underway, there is already talk of the fear of running into a third. There is still work to do “reduce the pandemic curve“ed”avoid the third wave“said the president today Bonaccini, during the videoconference of 2021 budget presentation. “I know we have to reduce the curve of the pandemic. A few weeks ago we were at 1.6 Rt, we went down to 1.4 and the last figure was 1.16. We still have to reduce that curve to be able to pay as we all expect and we are working so that this has a little less restrictions. ”But what will be the rules and behaviors that will be adopted at Christmas, in case theEmilia Romagna is back in the yellow zone, is not yet known. “I don’t know, I’m not Otelma or a seer”Bonaccini said when asked about it.

The updated data of today’s newsletter will be communicated by the Emilia Romagna Region, every 16.30 toward. The leading infectious disease specialist from Sant’Orsola in Bologna, Pierluigi viale, in the meantime warns: “Be careful, now the virus can harm everyone “. And he too thinks it’s early to make predictions Christmas: for infections, “the next two weeks will be decisive”.

Bonaccini, a maneuver of 12.5 billion is the 2021 budget

The President of the Region, Stefano bonaccini, presented today on Budget 2021 of the Emilia Romagna region: a maneuver of 12.5 billion euros, with taxes stopped for the sixth consecutive year. Bonaccini, after contracting Covid and being in isolation, also having to cure himself of bilateral pneumonia, returned to work with a videoconference, which was also attended by the Councilor for Budgets Paolo Calvano and the Undersecretary of the Presidency of the Region, Davide baruffi.

In the maneuver for next year, I nine billion for health, 600 million more compared to last year (and 150 million euros of investment in sanitary construction), 457 million euros for the fund for non-self-sufficiency, ei 44 million euros for the free public transport up to 19 years. In total, investments of 1,500 million euros are planned for next year, which include 60 million euros for electrify
everybody Railway lines ei 24 million euros for the Valley of data in the Tecnopolo of Bologna.

Possible elections, according to the Region, thanks to some accounts in order, with a reduction of the debt of 56 million euros and with respect to the public finance objectives set at the national level, effectively with a positive balance of more than 71 million. “With this maneuver we began to achieve the objectives of the mandate,” said Calvano at a press conference. “With the fall in GDP, next year there was a risk of being a budget with less income, but the agreement made with the government and the accounts in order allow us have the same income as in 2020. Despite this, we do not limit ourselves to facing the emergency but to building a perspective ”.

After the detection of a positive Covid in the Sant’Orsola Polyclinic, a put on screen to track positive staff in hall 5. 300 quick swabs in one day and 500 In three days. Health personnel have been found positive only in Three, While others two are ‘mild’ infectious. Therefore, the five operators will now have to undergo a traditional swab, i.e. molecular, and remain in isolation for the necessary time. Meanwhile I 26 planned hospitalizations for today they were discontinued.

In the last three days the new positives have been between 2,500 and 2,700, with a slight stability yesterday, which has seen 2,665 new infectionsi) Ma a drop in tampons carried out (13 thousand yesterday compared to 19,700 on Saturday and 22,300 on Friday) produced a increase Remarkable incidence positive on swabs. In fact it has come to 20.3%, after 13.8% on November 21.
Patients admitted to
intensive care have risen by 8 compared to Saturday, for a total of 249, Am 2,666, on the other hand, those of other Covid departments (+72).
The victims were 38:16 in the province of
Modena, 5 in the of Bologna to all in the Imola area, 4 in that of Reggio emilia, 4 in that of Ravenna, 4 in that of Ferrara, 2 in that of Piacenza, 2 a Parma, a death a Rimini, while there was no death in the province of Forlì-Cesena. Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, deaths in Emilia-Romagna are widespread 5,350.

Total, Yesterday has been 28,337 new cases of coronavirus, finished 6 thousand less compared to Saturday. The total number of people infected since the beginning of the emergency is 1,408,868. Also nationally i made swabs they were almost 50 thousand less than on November 21: 188,747. The increase in casualties also decreased, 562 in one day while on Saturday they were 692, for a total of 49,823. 13,574 people, on the other hand, were healed.
The regions that registered the most infections were: Lombardy with 5,094 more positives, Campania (3,217), Veneto (2,956), Emilia romagna (2,665), Piedmont (2,641) e Lazio (2,533).
I hospitalized in the hospital with symptoms, in Italy, are 34,279 (+216 compared to Saturday, November 22), of these 3,801 in intensive care (+43) I deceasedinstead, they were in everything 562, while the day before had been 692. The total dead since the beginning of the pandemic is 49,823.
