Covid Newsletter Today: Coronavirus Data Nov 21. Infections in Italy and Emilia Romagna


Bologna, November 21, 2020 – More cases of coronavirus with less tampons than yesterday, with the positive-tampons That rises again after three days on the floor. Here is today’s data from covid newsletter for Emilia Romagna: 2,723 infections (2,533 yesterday) and 19,700 swabs processed. The incidence people who tested positive for the number of swabs performed rises to 13.8% (yesterday 11.3 and Thursday 11.4). The only figure that remains stable, unfortunately, is the alarming number of dead: 47 today as yesterday, 25 of which in the province of Bologna. Even today the number of cured is high: 527 (compared to 558 yesterday). THE active cases are 65,080 (2,149 more than yesterday) andmiddle age He is 47.7 years old. Hospitalizations in intensive care, but the sick continue to grow in the Covid rooms.

Coronavirus Italy, today’s newsletter. Figures on infections and table.

The flash mob in front of the Maggiore hospital (Schicchi)

Of the 2,723 new cases, 1,269 are asymptomatic, 504 of which have been identified thanks to the activity of contact tracking that seems to regain strength. The situation of infections in the provinces of Emilia-Romagna sees Modena with 573 new cases, Bologna with 482 and Reggio emilia with 358.

Covid victims

Unfortunately, they are logged 47 new deaths: 25 in the province of Bologna (16 men of 67, 68, 71, 75, 76, 80, 82, two of 85, 86, two of 89, two of 92, 96 and one man of 73 in Imola; 9 women of 74, 78, 81, 82, 88, 89, 93, 94, 96 years), 7 at the one in Modena (5 men of 80, 88, 89, 90 and 99 and 2 women of 79 and 88 years) 8 in Reggio Emilia (6 men of 60, 73, 74 years old, two of 80 and one of 94 and a woman of 80 and one of 68), one in Ravenna (an 85-year-old man), one in Piacenza (a 77-year-old woman), one in the province of Forlì-Cesena (an 82 year old woman), 2 to Parma (2 women aged 83 and 86), 2 in Ferrara (a 71-year-old man and a 91-year-old woman), there are no deaths in Rimini. Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, there have been a total of 5,312 deaths in Emilia-Romagna.


Patients admitted to intensive care I have 241– 3 respect until yesterday), 2,594 those of other Covid departments (+60). This is how the 241 occupied intensive care beds are distributed: 15 to Piacenza (+2 compared to yesterday), 13 to Parma (-1 compared to yesterday), 28 inches Reggio emilia (-1), 64 to Modena (+3), 59 to Bologna (-4), 4 a Imola (-1), 17 a Ferrara (no change), 11 a Ravenna (-1), 6 a Forlì (no change), 1 year Cesena (no change) and 23 a Rimini (unchanged).

Symptomatic and asymptomatic by province

The 2,723 new cases are distributed as follows: 246 to Piacenza (of which 63 symptomatic), 179 to Parma (of which 90 symptomatic), 358 to Reggio emilia (of which 280 symptomatic), 573 to Modena (of which 401 symptomatic), 482 a Bologna (of which 206 symptomatic), 92 cases a Imola (of which 27 symptomatic), 123 to Ferrara (of which 14 symptomatic), 261 to Ravenna (of which 130 symptomatic), 94 to Forlì (of which 61 symptomatic), 71 to Cesena (of which 53 symptomatic) and 244 a Rimini (of which 129 symptomatic).

After verifying the data reported in recent days, three cases (two in Bologna, one in Modena) were eliminated because they were considered non-covid-19.

Negative buffer for Bonaccini

The governor is also on the road to recovery Stefano bonaccini. “This morning (ed from yesterday) I got good news: I tested negative on the last control swab. For some time I will have to continue the treatment of pneumonia at home, which improves but certainly cannot be neglected, but the return to normality is closer today, ”he wrote on Facebook.

“At the moment I continue working from here, but surely the heart is lighter. I recommend – he added – that we all follow the safety rules, to protect ourselves, those close to us and others ”.

Coronavirus in Italy: live data

A further 699 deaths have been reported in the past 24 hours compared to 37,242 new cases of contagion in total Italy. In the afternoon, the Ministry of Health and Civil Protection will publish the Coronavirus bulletin today, November 21. We will let you know by updating this article in real time.

Coronavirus, the other news today

“Emilia Romagna from orange to yellow zone: closest goal”

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