Covid, newsletter: new cases rise to 1,585 with 101,000 swabs: 13 deaths


The growth of positive cases of coronavirus continues, today at 1,585 (+133) with 101 thousand swabs (one thousand more than yesterday). This is what emerges from today’s bulletin from the Ministry of Health, which also records 13 deaths (+1). Those infected currently amount to 41,413 (+881), of which 2,348 are hospitalized with symptoms (+63) and 212 in intensive care (+5). 38,853 patients (+813) remain in home isolation while 689 people recovered or were discharged. Lombardy is once again in the lead in terms of the number of new infections (281), followed by Campania (195) and Lazio (181).

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«With almost 10 thousand tampons today in Lazio there are 181 cases, 131 of them in Rome, and two deaths. The value of Rt is 0.54, a low diffusion index. “This was highlighted by the Minister of Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato, in the daily bulletin of the Crisis Unit of the Region.” ASL Roma 1 there are 50 cases in the last 24 hours and of these six are cases of return, four with links from Sardinia, one from Puglia and one from Romania. Twenty-two cases with a family link or contact of an already known and isolated case – continues D’Amato – In Asl Roma 2 there are 76 cases in the last 24 hours and among these fourteen cases of return, one with a link from Sardinia, four from Bangladesh, two from Ecuador, one from Egypt, one from England and nine with ties with the community of Peru. Fifteen are contacts of already known and isolated cases. There are two cases linked to Via del Caravaggio where the epidemiological investigation is being carried out. “

«In ASL Roma 3 there are 5 cases in the last 24 hours and they are contacts of already known and isolated cases. In ASL Roma 4 there are 5 cases in the last 24 hours and they are contacts of already known and isolated cases. In the ASL Roma 5 there are 9 cases in the last 24 hours and it is a case of return from Abruzzo, two cases identified in the pre-hospital phase and four are contacts of already known and isolated cases – D’Amato emphasizes – In the Asl Roma 6 there are 7 cases in the last 24 hours and there are two return cases, one with links from Sardinia and the other from the Dominican Republic. There are two contacts of already known and isolated cases and two cases identified by recommendation of the GP. “In the provinces there are 29 cases and zero deaths in the last 24 hours. In the ASL of Latina there are fifteen cases and it is a case of return from Sicily, three have a link with the cluster of the fish market where the epidemiological investigation is being carried out. In the Asl di Frosinone there are two cases and it is a case identified in the access to the emergency room. In the Asl de Rieti there are eight cases and they are contacts of already known and isolated cases. In the ASL of Viterbo there are four cases and it is an already known and isolated contact case and three cases have a family link between them ”, D’Amato concludes.

There are 281 new cases of coronavirus sign up Lombardy, of which 41 “weakly positive” and 11 after serological tests. There is a death that brings the total to 16,906 people who lost their lives. In intensive care there are another 2 people for a total of 32 hospitalized, while those who are not in intensive care are 271 (+8). The total number of cured / discharged persons is 78,240 (+130) people, of which 1,413 were discharged and 76,827 recovered. HE tampons carried out are 21,757 for a total of 1,889,861.

Covid, infections in other regions

There are 33 new infections in Abruzzo make sure with the tests of the last hours. Most of the cases (27) refer to the provinces of Pescara and Chieti and many refer to the metropolitan area. The number of people currently positive continues to increase (632, +26) and the number of people admitted to the hospital is increasing (45, +3). The cured are 2,978 (+ 5), while the total number of victims is still 473. Among the new patients, the youngest is 20 years old and is from Fossacesia (Chieti), while the oldest is 86 and is from Castiglione Messer . Raimondo (Teramo). Precisely in Castiglione, a town included for a long time in the red zone and considered, in the first phase of the emergency, the ‘Vò d’Abruzzò, with more than 80 cases and 15 deaths of just over two thousand inhabitants, in addition to the elderly, there are two other cases: it is the relatives of a man who died in recent days.

Three cases are registered in Pescara, three in Chieti, as many in Fossacesia and Rosciano (Pescara). New infections also in Cepagatti, Città Sant’Angelo, Montesilvano (Pescara) and Francavilla al Mare (Chieti). The regional total amounts to 4,083: 572 are residents or domiciled in the province of L’Aquila (+2 compared to yesterday), 963 in the province of Chieti (+12), 1,763 in the province of Pescara (+15), 754 in the province of Teramo (+5) and 30 outside the region (-2), while controls are being carried out for one (-1) at the origin. Five patients remain in intensive care; 582 (+23) those in home isolation. A total of 180,302 tests have been carried out since the beginning of the emergency.

Cases in Campania

There are 195, of which 21 cases of return (or linked to people who have returned from vacation), the new Covid positives detected in Campania, of the 8,473 swabs analyzed. In the daily bulletin of the Crisis Unit, updated at the last midnight, there are also three victims (the total of deaths amounts to 455) and 82 recovered.

Cases in Sardinia

There are 51 new infections in Covid19 registered in Sardinia in the last 24 hours. Thus, the total number of positive cases verified in Sardinia since the beginning of the emergency amounts to 3,042. Of the 51 new cases, 44 were detected by screening and seven were diagnosed as suspects. The number of victims, however, remains unchanged at 140. In total, 164,785 smears were performed, an increase of 1,949 tests compared to the last update. Currently, 84 patients are hospitalized in non-intensive wards (four less than yesterday), while the number of patients (17) in intensive care remains unchanged. There are 1,413 people in home isolation. The progressive number of positive cases includes 1,381 (+17) recovered patients, plus another 7 clinically recovered. In the territory, of the 3,042 positive cases verified in total, 495 (+6) were detected in the metropolitan city of Cagliari, 298 (+1) in the south of Sardinia, 187 (+11) in Oristano, 281 (+12 ) in Nuoro, 1,781 (+21) in Sassari.

Cases in Calabria

In Calabria To date, 178,292 swabs have been made. The people who tested positive for the Coronavirus are 1,757 (+16 compared to yesterday), the negative ones are 176,535. This was reported in the Bulletin issued by the Region. Territorially, the positive cases are distributed like this. Catanzaro: 11 in the pavilion; 1 in intensive care; 34 in home isolation; 187 recovered; 33 deceased. Cosenza: 9 in the pavilion; 3 in intensive care; 105 in home isolation; 465 recovered; 34 deceased. Reggio Calabria: 6 in the room; 97 in home isolation; 304 cured; 19 deceased. Crotone: 20 in home isolation; 117 recovered; 6 deceased. Vibo Valentia: 8 in home isolation; 85 recovered; 5 deceased. From another region or foreign country 208. In total, there are 13 admissions to the Catanzaro hospital, 5 of which refer to non-residents. There are also thirteen hospitalized in the Cosenza hospital; of these three are “non-residents”, while the patient discharged from Cosenza was placed in the “out of region” setting. Since the last survey, a total of 1,720 people have registered on the Calabria Region portal to communicate their presence in the regional territory.

Cases in Puglia

Despite a constant number of tests greater than 4000, precisely 4011, even if it is less than yesterday, it is not very high today in Apulia the balance of new positive cases of coronavirus, a total of 63. Yesterday 4571 smears were made and 103 infections were detected, this was announced by the Region in its daily epidemiological bulletin on coronavirus, prepared from information from the Director of the Department of Promotion of the Health Vito Montanaro. Of the 63 positive cases, 33 are found in the province of Bari, 4 in the province of Brindisi, 4 in the province of Bat, 6 in the province of Foggia, 6 in the province of Lecce, 10 in the province of Taranto. 1 death was recorded in the province of Taranto. Even yesterday a dead man. In total, the deaths amounted to 575. Since the beginning of the emergency, 364,798 tests have been carried out. 4,262 patients (+10 compared to yesterday) and 1,915 currently positive cases (+52) have been cured, of which 214 hospitalized (- 4) and 1701 at home (+56). Of the total positives, 0.7% are hospitalized in intensive care and 10.4% in other wards.

The total number of positive Covid cases in Puglia since the beginning of the emergency is 6,752, divided as follows: 2,605 in the province of Bari; 540 in the province of Bat; 749 in the province of Brindisi; 1,583 in the province of Foggia; 738 in the province of Lecce; 484 in the province of Taranto; 52 attributed to residents outside the region; 1 province of unknown residence. The Asl Prevention Departments have activated all the procedures for the acquisition of anamnestic and epidemiological information, with the aim of tracing close contacts.

Of the 33 new cases of contagion detected today by the Department of Prevention of the Asl of Bari, explains the general director Antonio Sanguedolce, “24 contacts are closely linked to cases that are already isolated and under surveillance, while the remaining 9 are under follow-up “Of the four cases registered today in the province of Brindisi” three – adds the director of ASL Giuseppe Pasqualone – were identified by contact tracing and one by screening. “In the province of Bat 4 positive cases of which 2 symptomatic – highlights the general manager Alessandro Delle Donne – and 2 close contacts of two different positive cases registered in recent days. ”The Hygiene service of the ASL of Foggia registered 6 new positives.

»Of these 3 are contacts of already known and isolated cases«, explains the general director Vito Piazzolla – and 2 people were identified during the detection activities; the latter is a symptomatic person; all were taken care of immediately. Epidemiological investigations are still ongoing. ‘ Rodolfo Rollo, general director of the ASL of Lecce highlights that 4 are contacts of already known cases, 2 are residents outside the region temporarily present in our province “. In the province of Taranto the 10 positive cases detected in the last 24 hours” they refer to close contacts of cases registered in recent days and placed under surveillance, ”concludes CEO Stefano Rossi. In Taranto the only victim today.

“New contagions cleared” in Polignano and Monopoli, in the province of Bari. In ten days, the Department of Prevention “has substantially extinguished the outbreak that developed in a fruit and vegetable company in Polignano and that affected the local community and several other centers in the province of Bari.” “This was announced by the ASL of the capital of Apulia. With the swabs performed today, from which no new cases have emerged, an initial assessment of the activity carried out can be extracted: almost 1000 swabs performed and 146 positivity found in the Bari area, of which 86 in Polignano and 33 in Monopoli, most affected by the contagion.

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