Covid: new wave in Hong Kong, in Brazil more than 177 thousand victims – World


Longest Christmas holidays in Germany, and stores closed immediately after December 27. This is the heart of the tough lockdown Angela Merkel would have on the agenda, grappling with the challenge of reducing the number of new Covid infections in Germany, set at too high a threshold, despite the measures taken so far. According to Bild, the plan foresees that from December 27 to January 3 or 10, most stores will be closed (except for supermarkets). Furthermore, the Christmas holidays could be brought forward one week and extended by another. Merkel yesterday showed her frustration over the evolution of the pandemic at a meeting of the Union (CDU-CSU), during which, according to sources present, she made it clear that with current measures we cannot face winter. “With the principle of hope we do not advance,” he said. However, according to the tabloid Axel Springer, this time it will not be easy to impose new measures either: the first Laender are already resisting in this scenario. The number of cases of coronavirus in Germany has exceeded the threshold of 1.2 million: this is clear from the data from Johns Hopkins University: according to the American university, 1,200,006 infections have been registered in the country, including 19,434 deaths. 888,701 people have been cured since the start of the pandemic in Germany.

the Brazil It exceeds 177,000 Covid victims since the start of the pandemic, 426 of which have been registered in the last 24 hours. The local media reveal it. The victims are exactly 177,388, while the new infections are 25,123, for a total of 6,628,065.

The death toll from the coronavirus in India has exceeded 140 thousand: this is clear from the Johns Hopkins University data: according to the American university to date, 140,958 people have died in the country compared to a total of 9,703,770 cases of contagion. India is the second country in the world by number of infections in absolute terms after the United States and the third by number of deaths after the United States and Brazil. Since the start of the pandemic, 9,178,946 people have been healed in the country.

The government of Hong Kong is preparing to launch stricter anti-Covid measures to deal with a new wave of infections in the former British colony: as announced today by Governor Carrie Lam, reports CNN, the opening of restaurants will be limited to 6:00 p.m., while gyms, sports centers, and beauty salons must close. During a press conference, Lam stressed that the population is not respecting social distancing and that the new restrictions are necessary to “limit the number of people on the streets and reduce the flow of people.” Hong Kong currently has more than 6,900 contagion cases and 112 deaths.

There are 11,023 cases of Covid-19 registered in the last 24 hours in Iran, where the total number of infections amounts to 1,062,397. There are 323 new victims, totaling 50,917. The number of people admitted to intensive care increased to 5,780, while the recovered patients increased to 754,224. The total number of tests carried out is 6,477,718. Iranian Health Ministry spokeswoman Sima Lari reported in her daily bulletin.

Night lock on Israel from tomorrow night until January 2 with a ban on commercial activities and restrictions on movement between zones. This was decided by the Committee against the coronavirus given the situation in the country where infections are increasing. The recommendations made by the Committee will now have to be ratified by the government of Benyamin Netanyahu today. Among the decisions -which cover the period of time of the Jewish holiday of Channuccà (10/18/12), Christmas and the end of the year- also the one that introduces the obligation to take the test for those who return from abroad to perform the Quarantine home: in the absence of the negative mattress, the 14-day isolation will be carried out in one of the hotels authorized by the authorities. Other measures refer to shopping centers, markets, schools, museums, cultural events and transportation. In the last 24 hours, according to data from the Ministry of Health, infections have risen to 1,837 with 67 thousand swabs and a rate of 2.8%. Active cases of the disease are almost 14 thousand. Deaths, since the beginning of the pandemic, totaled 2,924.

The death toll from the coronavirus in Mexico It has exceeded 110 thousand: this is clear from the Johns Hopkins University data: according to the American university to date, 110,074 people have died in the country compared to a total of 1,182,249 cases of contagion. Mexico is the twelfth country in the world for the number of infections in absolute terms and the fourth for the number of deaths after the United States, Brazil and India. Since the start of the pandemic, 873,555 people have been healed in the country.

The South Korea has secured early access to the Covid-19 vaccine for 44 million people, through four pharmaceutical companies and the WHO. The Ministry of Health reported that 64 million doses will come from Johnson & Johnson’s AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen to cover 34 million people.
