Covid, new variant isolated in Naples: the patient is a professional returning from Africa. De Luca: “Extraordinary Discovery”


“The Pascale Institute and the Federico II University have identified another variant of Covid-19, never before identified in Italy.” This is what Campania region. “At the moment, the infectious power or other characteristics of this variant are unknown, as is the case with many rare variants of the virus. It’s called B.1.525, and so far only 32 cases have been identified in Britain, and some cases also in Nigeria, Denmark, and the United States. Never before in Italy.

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“A professional returning from a trip to Africa, after swabbing, tested positive for Covid 19. Thanks to the collaboration between the laboratories of Federico II and Pascale, Giuseppe Portella Federico II identifies the highly suspicious case and in a very short time the team of Nicola Normanno del Pascale has discovered a variant of Covid that until now had never been described in Italy, ”a note reads. “The sequence of the sample that came to us from the Federiciano Polyclinic – explains the researcher at the Naples Cancer Institute – immediately made us suspicious because it did not present similarities with other samples from our region. After a comparison with the group from the Emerging Zoonoses Department of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, we had confirmation that it is a variant that has been described so far in about 100 cases in some European and African countries, but also in the United States. We immediately deposited the sequence in the international Gisaid database and notified the health authorities. In fact, all the planned procedures began immediately, beginning with contact tracing.


“This is a discovery of extraordinary scientific value, a timely and very useful result, which confirms the importance of having financed these studies, the need for the Government to adopt extraordinary national measures so as not to cancel the vaccination program that is in full swing. , and that makes the provision of the necessary vaccines even more essential to face the epidemic. The governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, thus comments, in a note, the identification in Naples by researchers of a new variant of Covid. “The commitment of the Campania Region continues with the purpose of high scientific research on the coronavirus – underlines the note of the Region -. The Pascale Institute and the Federico II University, thanks to the funds allocated by the Region and which are giving rise to results of absolute scientific value thanks to the excellence of Campania in the field of medical research, have identified another variant of Covid-19 , never first identified in Italy. “(A

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