Stores closed on Sundays, with the exception of pharmacies, parapharmacies, food, tobacconists and kiosks. It is the main innovation introduced by the new anti-harvest ordinance of the Emilia-Romagna region. The bars and restaurants remain open, with the limitation imposed by the Dpcm that closes at 6:00 p.m.
The order signed by Stefano Bonaccini (THE FULL TEXT, PDF), according to colleagues from Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, also provides a stop for lessons in gymnastics, singing and wind instruments in primary and secondary schools. Limitations also to sports and motor activity that should preferably be carried out in green and peripheral areas. It will not be possible to do it in the historical centers of the cities and in crowded areas, for example the central streets and squares or the boardwalk, always remaining spaced. The ordinance refers to auditors the ability to set additional specific limitations.
The new measures adopted by Emilia-Romagna enter effective on Saturday, November 14. By tomorrow, however, new data from monitoring the control room is expected, which could exacerbate the region’s positioning in the ‘yellow zone’.
In addition to the closure of shops on holidays, the days before holidays and public holidays were ordered to close medium and large sales areas, including all shopping complexes. Only one component can enter food stores by family unit, without prejudice to the need to accompany people with difficulties or those under 14 years of age. There are no markets in public or private areas unless there are municipal plans that establish specific rules. The consumption of food and beverages is always prohibited in public spaces or spaces open to the public, while from 15 to 18 hours the administration and consumption can only be done sitting outside and inside the premises, and in places ‘usually placed’. The sale with home delivery is always allowed and is “highly recommended”.
“We have before us an objective that must be of all – he emphasizes Bonaccini – Stop the infection and reverse the pandemic curve. It is the priority. And we can achieve it by respecting the rules, with a sense of responsibility and without panic ”.