Private parties prohibited and banquets for up to 30 people, bars and restaurants close at midnight and from 9 pm there is no parking in front of the premises.
Stop at football and to all amateur contact sports. But there are also interventions to make the tampon system work faster and more efficiently. The government is making progress on this in view of new Dpcm that could be signed on Monday, October 12.
With a novelty: the bans could affect even home meetings.
On the eve of the meeting of the Technical-Scientific Committee called urgently for 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, the decree is finalized without neglecting the public transport where the rules on the maximum occupancy of 80% continue to be violated in many cases. The executive will continue the trend of infections, anticipating possible new closures in the face of a possible rebound and especially if the intensive care services are in trouble, which continues to be the primary element to assess the circulation and aggression of COVID-19. However, taking into account the increase in hospitalizations in the wards of many hospitals.
The green light for rapid tests
In many hospitals waiting for molecular swabsnow the 10 ore. The technical-scientific committee coordinated by Agostino Miozzo could suggest a green light for quick tests (believed to be 95% reliable) performed by general practitioners and pediatricians, then swabbing only those who test positive. In this way, according to experts, health structures would be lightened and the mechanism that leads people to fiduciary isolation would be rationalized.
Closing of the premises at 24
The squeeze should also be applied to the closing times of bars and restaurants: all at midnight. There has been about this in the last few days. resistance from both trade associations and governors, but the government seems determined to proceed, believing that this is a useful measure to reduce the possibility of contagion, without significantly affecting economic performance.
No private parties
At the banquets later weddings and christenings may participate in the maximum 30 people. A choice that will inevitably affect the events already planned. Goes to the ban all private parties and this will affect, for the first time, even the meetings organized in the houses. A rule that aims to avoid contacts between people who do not live together, since it is not possible to guarantee the mandatory use of the mask. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte had already spoken about this when he recommended covering your nose and mouth even when you are in your own home with the elderly or people suffering from pathologies.
Futsal and amateur sports
The members of the Technical-scientific committee asking for a restriction and the government is considering banning soccer, basketball, and other amateur contact sports. A measure that for the moment does not concern the professional level, although it could become a precedent if the epidemiological curve continues to rise.
Public transport
Could you arrive tomorrown loosening for high-speed trains with the ability to go more than 50% expected now, but in buses and subways, it will be urged to strengthen the controls to enforce the rules, keeping the distance for both those who sit and those who ride standing.
The smart thing working
Confirmed the recommendation to companies to incentivize smart work limit contacts between people in offices where the use of the mask is in force, although following the guidelines for the different types of activities and provide an exclusion only for those in the room alone.
October 10, 2020 (change October 10, 2020 | 23:14)