++ Covid, Nas seize 33,000 masks, 440,000 gloves ++ – Last minute


(ANSA) – ROME, OCTOBER 07 – A total of some 33,000 masks and 440,000 gloves seized, seals in two classrooms in prefabricated structures without tests and an RSA. This is the balance of the latest operations carried out by Nas in Catania, Milan and Lecce, as part of the activities to combat the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. While the avalanche of coronavirus infections continues to increase slowly but steadily, the commitment of the Carabinieri of the Carabinieri Command for Health Protection continues in all sectors. As part of these checks, Nas Catania identified the owner of a medical device company that had supplied a hospital with disposable gloves that were not suitable for use in a healthcare setting. The operation involved the seizure of 440,000 nitrile gloves and the identification of 3,600 disposable masks, with false certification. (HANDLE).