Florence, December 12, 2020 – «What matters is not so much sharing or not sharing these colored bands, but, given that it is an automatic mechanism, the clarity and transparency with which these criteria are applied. This is the most important thing so that citizens are calm and know why they are in this condition. It is the uncertainty that generates controversy, so if the Ministry of Health clearly explains why Tuscany is still orange, I am the first to accept it and to work with my citizens to enforce it. Thus, the mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, aside from an initiative in the city, on the permanence of Tuscany in the orange band. “In this case – Nardella added – from a scientific and technical point of view that I did not understand” because we were oranges. «I know that the 21 parameters remain, I know that the 21 parameters have been shared by the Regions with the Ministry of Health, I know that these lines must be maintained for two consecutive weeks, I would be interested in understanding well too. And it is the appeal – he concluded – that I am going to return to Minister Speranza.
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