Covid, more than 83 million cases worldwide. In France, an early curfew at 6pm. More than 23,000 infected in 24 hours in Germany


The arrival of the new year cannot stop the analysis of the pandemic data, nor the measures. Sars Cov 2, the coronavirus that has been disrupting life on our planet for nearly a year, has infected 83,445,600 people and killed 1,818,387 according to data updated from Johns Hopkins University as of January 1. The highest number of victims in the U.S (345,826), followed by Brazil (194,949), dall ‘India (148,994) and Mexico (125,807). Fifth theItaly, with 74,159 deaths.

To stop the spread of the virus in France The curfew will be advanced at 6 in the afternoon in fifteen departments starting on Saturday. Government spokesman Gabriel Attal told Tf1: “The virus continues to circulate in France with a disparity between territoriesAttal explained, specifying that the measure would be reviewed in a week. And “if the situation worsens even more in some territories, we will make the necessary decisions,” he added. “At this stage, it seems highly unlikely” that cultural spaces, theaters and cinemas “May reopen” on January 7. Closed since the end of October, cinemas, theaters and theaters were supposed to reopen on December 15, but the departure was postponed to January 7 due to the still high number of infections and could now be postponed even longer.

Meanwhile the Germany almost records 23 thousand new infections and 553 deaths in the last 24 hours. There were 22,924 positive tests, says the Roberte Koch Institute, the federal agency for the control of infectious diseases, specifying that in the last seven days there have been an average of 141.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. With the highest peak on December 22 at 197.6 cases. The highest number of deaths, 1,129, was recorded on December 30. The institute also indicated that the reproduction rate, Rt, during the last seven days was 0.80. In the end of the year message Angela Merkel yesterday he urged the Germans not to lower their guard while the vaccination campaign begins: “The most effective means, in addition to vaccines, are in our hands, to follow all the rules,” said the chancellor.

In the United States, the number of infected is about to reach 20 million. Meanwhile, the number of people hospitalized continues to rise: yesterday, as announced by the Covid Tracking Project (CTP), a new record was reached at 125,379. On Thursday, CNN reports, the patients affected by Covid-19 nationwide were 125,220, 0.42% more than 124,686 on Wednesday. In the past nine days, a total of 5,916 people have been admitted to U.S. hospitals, or more than 650 a day, an increase of about 5% between December 23 and December 31.
