The total anti-Covid vaccinations carried out in Italy as of December 31, updated at 5:11 p.m., amounted to 15,728. The data can be consulted and available from today, in real time, on the website of the Italian Medicines Agency Aifa, on the portal of the extraordinary Commissioner for emergency and other institutional portals. The data is constantly updated. Currently 8,641 women and 7,087 men have been vaccinated. The most vaccinated age group is between 50-59 (4573), then 40-49 (3580). The regions with the most administrations are Lazio (2,998), Lombardy (1,919) and Piedmont (1,583).
In Germany, on the other hand, 131,626 people received the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine, where administration began on December 26. In the last 24 hours alone, 51,465 people have been vaccinated. This is what the Robert Koch Institut, the official health authority of the Federal Republic, points out. The infection data in Germany is still very high: 32,552 new positives detected and 964 deaths. Since the start of the pandemic, 1,741 million cases and 33,310 deaths have been recorded.
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About the difference in the number of vaccinations, Deputy Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri spoke to Timeline on SkyTg24: “I would be concerned if the number of people vaccinated in Italy does not increase in 10 days. We have 400,000 doses to do each week and I imagine immunizations will increase. If this growth is not rapid, it will be necessary to intervene with rigor and correct the errors.
Sileri, on the other hand, says he is more concerned about another issue: “During the Christmas season the number of tampons manufactured fluctuated a lot, on some days very few were manufactured, a disheartening figure. It is evident that a significant number of swabs allow control of the territory. The tampon data for Christmas week leaves me a bit stumped. On the analysis of these data with those swabs made, some evaluation errors can be made. Today I would not sing the victory to see some positives with some swabs made.
The deputy minister also spoke about the closure hypothesis: “We are ready to reopen the schools on January 7, but with attention to the variables that may occur after the Epiphany. Nothing will change with respect to what we live before the Christmas period with the monitoring of the 21 parameters, so if actions are needed, where the infections are more out of control we will return to that system. We have to get used to stopping and going, this will be our routine and we will continue like this for most of 2021. “