
MONTEBELLUNA – A group of health workers, doctors and nurses, who work at the Montebelluna hospital contacted us to inform the population in what conditions they are forced to work for weeks. A dramatic testimony announcing theinability to host other patients at San Valentino di Montebelluna: Since last night, those who arrive there with Covid are sent home.
“The Montebelluna hospital is in collapse. We have no more resources. There is a shortage of supplies for doctors and nurses: the overalls are finished and many of us wear two coats to try to protect ourselves. When we reported the matter to ULSS, we were told that it doesn’t matter if our neck is found to be safe. But why then before we had to wear overalls. Even the shoes are finished and for two weeks we’ve been using garbage bags as shoe covers. The ULSS has told us to use gloves and masks in moderation, so as not to consume too many, obviously these are also scarce.
What we say It is the harsh reality and between what is said on television and what we see every day with our eyes there is a huge gap: They send us to war with cardboard shoes! “
A pause, the voice of the speaker on behalf of the companions breaks with emotion. Then our interlocutor catches his breath and recounts, with details that clearly reveal the reason for this despair and the decision to make what is happening public.
“Since last night at 9:00 p.m. we no longer know where to put the sick and who comes with Covid and we send them home. Montebelluna has small wards where the beds have been converted to Covid but at the beginning, for example, in geriatrics there were 20 beds for the virus but little by little they became 32 there is no more space. Apart from the covid pavilions, these are makeshift pavilions, to face a pandemic over which there is no longer control.
The San Camillo de Treviso no longer welcomes anyone and then we have the Guicciardini who, however, is struggling to take off because it does not have the resources for the most serious cases and can only welcome those who are already in a better situation. We are not interested in politics, but we have chosen to heal people as a job, as a mission, and we are not in a position to do so.
Doctors and nurses continue to get sick and then we find ourselves returning to the hospital ward, with the patients we were treating until before.
In the hospital we live this situation and people outside are worried about Christmas shopping, because they don’t know! People need to be informed of what is happening.
We do not know what he hopes to tell the population what is really happening. Veneto should have been in the red rank for some time!
The situation is desperate here people die alone and everything is silent. Are there children of patients who also call us at home, to find out how their loved ones are doing and what should we tell them? Your loved ones are dying alone, because we are in so much trouble that we can’t even have the time and energy to hold their hand so they can walk away with some comfort. “
The story stops, the speaker starts crying. It is a desperate cry that takes your breath and words away. Our interlocutor collects himself, apologizes for having succumbed to emotionality and the story resumes.
“Among us there are those who have also written to the minister but without getting a response. You have no idea what it’s like to see people who can’t breathe. This disease is subtle and people outside the hospital are quiet but it does not have to be: young people go and then infect their grandparents who will not get away with it.
We do not understand that there are those who complain of having to spend a dull Christmas. To these people we say that: for them there will be other Christmases, but for the sick there will be no other Christmases.“
We ask our interlocutors if they can give us figures but they explain that the situation is constantly evolving and also giving data is difficult because from hour to hour there are changes and they conclude: “We only have the certainty that what is happening is tragic.”