The bulletin issued today, Monday, December 21, by Asrem is positive. Meanwhile there were no deaths, and this is always an important aspect, and then there were 10 discharged and 303 recovered, a real boom. further one patient improved and left the ICU and was transferred to infectious diseases. For once, we wanted to start with happy notes. However, there are also those who are out of tune. Which mainly refer to new hospitalizations: 6 citizens needed hospitalization.
The total number of patients drops to 64, of which 56 in infectious diseases and 8 in intensive care. The new positives are 12, but in only 217 processed swabs, with a positivity rate equal to 5.5%.
The new positives (12) are:
1 Campodipietra
3 Oratino
3 Sant’Elia to Pianisi
5 Termoli.
The positives are currently 2561, while the totals since the beginning of the emergency have reached the number of 6143.
The healed rose to 3407, the deaths stopped in 175.
Isolated lie 3017 the citizens.