(ANSA) – SANREMO, SEPT 04 – “I do not accept accusations of denial from anyone and in particular from the left, because I remember that when we asked to quarantine those who returned from China and a man named Nicola Zingaretti, secretary of the PD, He was saying that the only virus was racism and he was in Milan to have a snack. The virus deniers are in the government and they are all those who have not fixed themselves in time. “Then Giorgia Meloni answered a journalist’s question that He asks if, with Berlusconi’s hospitalization for Covid, it is the end of the denial. “When we asked the government to provide itself with masks and respirators,” he added, “Di Maio, another very important man in the current government, sent eight tons of anti Covid devices to the Chinese. In the meantime, they were taken to Palazzo Chigi, while for the Italians they could take a while. “And again:” On February 12, the Italian government was informed by a very accurate report from royal experts about everything that would happen. The same day, the government was doing absolutely nothing. “(TAKE CARE OF).