Covid: Mayor of Palermo, we are heading towards the announced massacre – Sicily


Orlando writes to Conte and Musumeci, scenarios of war medicine

“If what the media is reporting today is true, about the lack of fundamental tools for the care of the sick and about the saturation of beds, we run the risk that in Palermo and throughout Sicily we will go towards an announced massacre.” Mayor Leoluca Orlando writes this in a letter to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Region President Nello Musumeci. “If it is true that oxygen is lacking in emergency rooms and that hospital wards have begun to choose ‘which patients to try to save and which not’, there are scenarios of ‘war medicine’ which, whatever the results and however enormous the commitment of medical and healthcare workers, it will continue to bring a long list of human and social pain and tragedy. “

“The national government based on scientific criteria considered that our health facilities were not adequately equipped to withstand the progressive increase in infections. We are in the orange zone because our health system may not withstand the impact of other Covid hospitalizations,” he added . putting the lives of many people at risk ”. Orlando says this in a video posted on the Facebook page.
It should be noted that this decision causes damage to companies and workers, so I reiterate that we must act quickly with aid and supplies to those who suffer damage to guarantee the health of all. I appeal to everyone’s sense of responsibility to save dozens of human lives in this way, ”concludes Orlando.

“I am amazed at the false and misleading statements of Mayor Orlando, who is evidently misinformed. As he knows, since he participates daily in meetings with me, the prefect and the ASP, the situation of the beds in Palermo is challenging but we face it adequately, so much so that the regular provision of health services to non-Covid patients is still maintained. Equally unfounded is the news that Palermo would lack oxygen, regularly available to all hospital departments, from all ambulances and home patients. “The commissioner for the Covid emergency in Palermo, Renato Costa, tells ANSA.

“Throughout the world and in all regions of Italy at this time we are witnessing the growth of infections, the growth of hospitalizations and the spread of the epidemic. At this time there should be a generalized responsibility and controversies will proliferate instead. If the Ministry of Salute wants to send not one, but a hundred inspectors to Sicily and I will be the happiest. In fact, I hope so. ” This was stated by the regional health advisor Ruggero Razza, responding to the accusations about the Covid emergency in Sicily. “We are not afraid of the control of our work – he continues -, but this generalized spirit of ‘all against all’ is not even respectful with the many operators who in these hours face with self-denial their mission as doctors, nurses, operators. The world he is experiencing the greatest health emergency in the last 100 years. For some it is routine. I wish it really could be like this. But is not “.