Rome, October 26, 2020 – The importance of Investigation to defeat the COVID-19 and a warning to pay attention also to other diseases that “do not enter”. emergency shutdown“The president of the republic said so Sergio Mattarella during the celebration ceremony of “Research days”, initiative promoted by the Italian Association for Cancer Research (Airc) that takes place in Quirinnale.
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The head of state addresses one of the thorny issues that are once again gaining prominence in these days marked byincreased hospitalizations and the hospitals that will consequently suffer. “The other pathologies – warns Mattarella – he did not end up locked up. Too many tests and treatments are postponed for treatments that, like cancer, do not allow breaks or suspensions. It is the older generations who pay the highest price for the spread of the new virus and run the risk, those same older people, of being penalized by the slowdown in the treatment of other diseases ”.
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For the president “il COVID-19 will be defeated by the Investigation of increasingly effective therapies, from vaccine. Obviously we will have to help her and help us with the effectiveness of the health organization, prevention and precaution, solidarity with those who need treatment ”. And again: “The true enemy of each and every one is the virus. The virus is responsible for the pain, the suffering, the sacrifice, the renunciation, the restrictions on normal life ”.
From the head of state, an invitation to act together says: “The investigation is Team play, it must be taken into account at this time of global emergency, it is good that teams do not compete but dialogue by exchanging perceptions, information and studies, it is a time of collaboration and global alliance, not of barriers or selfishness, to share commitments and knowledge such as suffering and responsibility. The vaccine is available to everyone without discrimination. It must be accessible globally. It is our conviction that comes from our culture and civilization ”.
And the investigation does not hide the Italian delays: “For the investigation we pay the delays and defects What did you do go abroad many Italian researchers. But we have many human strengths. In oncology, Italy is the world excellence. We have to invest even more under investigation to expand facilities. The investigation will defeat the pandemic. “
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