Covid, Massimo Zedda hits the governor: “He is irresponsible”


Lunge of the leader of the progressives against Solinas: “Situation out of control because he has never been in control”

CAGLIARI. “The situation is out of control because the president of the region has never been in control of the situation.” Hard attack by Massimo Zedda, former mayor of Cagliari and now regional councilor of the progressives, against the governor of Sardinia Christian Solinas. The momentum on Facebook comes despite the last meeting of the group’s leaders in which the majority and the opposition, with Solinas himself and members of the technical scientific committee, discussed for hours the solutions to be put in place to counter the spread. of Covid-19 in Sardinia.

“The President of the Region has asked for help from all political forces just now, late,” complains Zedda, “he asks because the dramatic situation runs the risk of precipitating. Actually we have been doing it for months, following the invitation to the collaboration of President Mattarella. Unfortunately, unheard of. But, he announces, “for the good, we will all continue to contribute our contribution.”

The exponent of the opposition is inspired by the latest bulletins of the regional crisis unit, with the number of new infections that in the last two days has exceeded 300 cases. “The irresponsible president is responsible,” he cuts short. First, because “he opened the discos while the virus was circulating. On August 12 we also requested the opinion of the technical scientific committee that would have given the green light to the inauguration. We still don’t have an opinion. Secondly, “he brought forward the date of the municipal elections to the end of October, not merging them with the referendum, increasing the chances of contagion and wasting 9 million euros.” Third: “He wasted millions with a useless app (Sardinia safe ed) that doesn’t track people-to-person contacts.”

Again: «Months ago we asked to talk about school, transport and health. We were only allowed in October. Then he remembers: “The news that comes from the hospitals has been dramatic for weeks, but a few days ago they told us that everything was fine, that everything was working and that we were alarmists.” Finally: «The situation is dramatic because infections are on the rise and hospitals are running out of beds, and meanwhile local health authorities have multiplied, they want to double the provinces and propose to hire hundreds of briefcases. These are your priorities. (HANDLE).
