Covid Marche, peak of deaths: 19. In the province there are 5: there is also 45 years


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Fano 04/01/2021 – New peak of deaths for Covid-19 in Marche. In the last 24 hours, 19 have been registered. Five of them concern the province of Pesaro Urbino.

Mondolfo is the youngest victim: he is 45 years old. A 91-year-old from Mercatello sul Metauro and three from Pesaro also disappeared: two women, 93 and 84, and a man, 79.

Seven dead in Ancona. They are two people from Senigallia, a man and a woman, both 88 years old. Two victims in Falconara Marittina: one 94 years old and one 73 years old. Two also died in Arcevia: a 59-year-old woman and an 84-year-old man. A 61-year-old man from Trecastelli also disappeared.

Four victims in the Macerata area: a 99-year-old from Monte San Giusto, a 71-year-old from Caldarola and two citizens of Potenza Picena: a 76-year-old man and a 90-year-old woman. An 89-year-old from Porto Sant’Elpidio died in Fermo, a 79-year-old in Ascoli de Monsampolo del Tronto and a 55-year-old from Roccafluvione. All had previous pathologies.

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