Ancona, December 2, 2020 – The saddest month in Second wave going to file in Market with impressive numbers, but also with a last decade able to take a look a little light in the background of darkness of the pandemic tunnel. The comparison between the report updated to November 30 and October 31 is clear, highlighting that more infections have been found in the space of thirty days November compared to all the previous eight months combined. In fact, it has gone from 14,121 positives at the end of October since the beginning of the pandemic to 29,806, therefore with more than 15 thousand infections verified only in the last month. A figure reinforced especially by the province of Ancona jumped in thirty days from 4,005 to 8,723 infections, so also in this case a ‘billing’ of the month that is worth more than all the previous eight together.
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Fortunately, coming back to the report at regional levelThe tear in the cured is also clear: 10,626 of which 3,629 in November, given that at the end of the previous month there were 6,997. The growth of the health sector is substantial, which inevitably puts pressure on the system. Patients increased to 672 from 322 on the last day of October. Leap forward notable added to that of presences in intensive care (87 against 47), but fortunately still in a context quite far from extreme spring stress.
In many, Fortunately, can be treated at home, given that the current quarantines in Marche are 16,118 compared to 11,192 at the end of October. Fortunately, in fact, there are also some indications that leave open flashes of flattening of the health emergency, as can be seen in particular in the last bulletin of the day. Yesterday the relationship between positives (337) and swabs (1,213) was 27.7%. This is the ninth day in a row below the 30% threshold that, instead, had been consistently broken in the first two decades of November. The province of Ancona drops to 51 infections (yesterday Ascoli shot up to 151), the lowest figure in forty days, although it must be taken with a grain of salt, since it is closely related to the number of tests analyzed in the single day .
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Take a break On the hospitalization front: the number of total hospitalizations in the region due to Covid (672) unchanged compared to Monday, while the number of admissions to intensive care fell to 86, therefore, one less than the day before yesterday. But unfortunately, show no signs of declining deaths. Thirteen of those counted yesterday in the Gores report: all over 70 with previous pathologies, including an 84-year-old from Agugliano and a 91-year-old from Genga. Thus, Covid-positive people who failed amount to 1,289.
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